Chapter 37~ Something Lost

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HEY GUYS!! I suggest you to stop whatever you're doing and watch this awesome video.
I really liked it, I especially liked Minato and Kushina part and Madara xd, also the Rin and Obito part!

It was just so kawaiii *o*


"Don't worry Rin. You will not ***** ****** but you will ****** ******." Rin could hear a voice saying, she couldn't hear it proprely, it was so far, even though the talker seemed so close, she couldn't see him.

'What a manly voice, I like it.'

'Who's voice is this, is this person talking to me? I don't know who the talker is and yet I feel like my heart squeezed when I heard him.'

"Good bye my one and only love." Said that same voice.

Rin felt like her head was gonna explode when she heard that, her heart contracted painfully, and her throat went dry, she didn't knew why or how but it was just like she didn't want to be apart from this person.

But who was this person anyway?

The vision suddenly started to take distance, as if she was falling down incapable to reach back to that moment.

Then, she started regaining conciousness, she seemed to be carried by a gentle and warm back, her eyelids were still heavy but she opened her eyes.

'Where am I?' Rin thought looking up, she was carried by a blond haired person.

The young woman gasped suddenly and moved back, she slipped out of the boy's held and fell down on her butt, apparently the brusque move made him lose balance and he stumbled in his walk.

"Ahhh..ahhh..." He said panicked trying his best not to fall on Rin.

Rin grimaced painfully looking at her butt.

"Kono baka(you idiot) you made her fall." Said a girl's voice angrily.

"It wasn't me," he said standing straight. "I swear dattebayo." He added in panic.

Rin was looking at the two teens still sitting when she felt a tear falling down her cheek, she touched it perplexed.

She couldn't remember the last time she cried, why was she crying? All she remembered was that she had a weird dream, she was with a man, and even if she didn't remember his face or words, she knew his voice.

Rin shook her head violently to come back to reality, as though unbelieving what was happening, she would think about whatever was troubling her later.

"Anyway, are you okay, Ayame?" Asked the blonde haired Konoha shinobi.

Rin raised an eyebrow at first then when she looked at his face fixedly she recognised him.

"Naruto." She said happily standing up and clapping her hands.

He smiled brightly as always. "It's been a long time." He said.

"Desho(a way to agree)." Said the pinkette smiling coming to them.

"Sakura-chan?" Rin said surprised when both Kunoichi hugged each others.

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