Chapter 10~Familly Metting

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In Konohagakure village:

Danzo was sitting in his office in the company of two of his guardians, when a member of his anbu appeared.

"Danzo-sama, when I went to send the scroll to Godaime-sama I overheard the report of Hatake Kakashi, it seemed that he had met a kunoichi(ninja woman) in Hanashu, a medical ninja, that run away from him." Reported the anbu.

"Did he meet her? Kakashi know Nohara, he would have recognised her, it can't be her!" Said a surprised Anbu.

The reporter Anbu remained silent, the there of them looked at their boss.

"We are never sure! Send some man in the village of Hanashu, circle all the gates of that city, inspect every ship on the harbour, if Nohara is there I want you to find her, she was able to escape from us once, she will never do it again." Exclaimed the leader of the Roots, the Anbu executed their orders and left the room.

"Kazuya, it look like your grand daughter is as sharp as you were, she was able to escape from me, and to even hide for 16 years." Said Danzo to an old picture.

Flashback :

16 years ago:


I have stopped counting the months that I have been captive here, for the crime of..well....who knows? But everyday they came get me, torture me, cut some part of my body sometimes, and of course kill me, like really kill me.

For a reason that surpass me, I have the immortality and regeneration power, and I guess the doctors in the service of Danzo himself want to study it, even though I am immortal and can regenerate, bleeding, dying, it hurt like hell, just like if I was a normal person.

I was at first extremely emotional about everything, any death or little injury, but I kind of little by little got used to their treatment.

By getting used to their treatment, I mean finally grasping that they are not gonna stop no matter how much I beg them to, because I doubt anyone can get used to such a thing.

Now I am probably the only person alive that have experienced all sorts of death, I have been burned alive, because of that I have turned bald for a time, but thanks God my hair is the growing type so it grows again, now I have a boyish hair cut, and if we come back to 'death' people were right, death by fire was the worst, second was drowning then suffocating, then come the other horrible death.

All that time, I have been searching for my parents, but nothing, nor Danzo neither his subordinate have ever spoke a word to me, for them it's just like I don't even exist, they came use me as they want, for any kind of experiment and when they finish they took me back to my cell, sometime I lost conscious and woke up in my cell, others, I woke up in the table of operation again.

Even if I begged them, crying, it didn't change anything, of course they didn't even bothered to look at me, just if I was nothing, this is just insupportable, horrible, if it's to have a life like that I'd rather die, but even this I can't.

But the most insupportable things was the day Danzo finally answered me.

"You, you... you will not get out undamaged, when Hokage-sama will know about, you" I said angry glaring at Danzo while the anbu were taking me away,_" when Minato-sensei will know about it, you will-"

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