Chapter 59~ Irreplaceable Item

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Rin set her room upside down, while she was packing she realised that this thing wasn't there.

She searched for it everywhere but no use, there was no trace of it. Her Obi remained unfound.

Yet, she hardly ever took it off.

"Where are you?" She whispered.

"Oi, Ayame, what are doing? I am waiting for you since earlier, words has it that the scary Lord's leaving today, we gotta deliver his food and assist him.  When I think that I could have a date with my boyfriend now, but instead I am stuck here." Sulked Yuzuki.

"Yuzuki-san......" Said Rin with a 'my life is over' face.

Yuzuki frowned.


Obito passed his hand over a polished furniture as he looked outside the window, a snowstorm was ravaging the view, he was to leave today, he could leave it to tomorrow under the pretext of avoiding the storm, but why would he?

One business done with. He thought.

But he was feeling a bit sulky, there was no reason to.

He sighed as he completely forgot to dig into Rin's memory for why she didn't return to Konoha when he clearly put her at its Gate and instead found herself working for Kaiji.

He could do it now, and then erase her memory about having her memory extracted but he thought the matter evident enough, as she probably woke up before she was found and hurried back here.

He placed his hand in his pocket when the Uchiha felt a paper inside, he retrieved it and found it was Rin's letter.

His eyes softened at its sight. She remembered even after all this time, and she was living in the past, like Kakashi, like him.


He regretted not preparing a birthday for her months ago, they were still dating then, sadly it was the exact month she was waiting for him when he decided to leave her.

He felt bad for her, he closed one eye in compassion imagining her birthday while expectantly waiting for him. Maybe even secretly hoping for him to surprise her.

The truth was that before he took the decision to leave that time, he had already chose something for her, a present he didn't offered, under the excuse that he had to stay away from her for the plan's sake.

Obito took the little thingy out of his pocket looking at it, he was thinking of giving it to her today, not as her birthday gift but as a simple gift.

Then he heard a knock on the door, he permitted them to come in.

'Here she is.' Obito thought when two woman came in; a woman he was used to see and the clumsy blonde of this morning.

They knelt on the floor bowing their head down respectfully, though he was sure the blonde accidentally hit her head on the wooden floor, he heard her mumbling an 'itai'. Obito grimaced feeling bad for her, when he was a kid, he was used to this kind of annoying clumsiness, today as well, somehow.

"With your permission, My Lord, Kaiji-sama let you know that you have permission to go anywhere in this Ground, if you allow us to escort you, it would be our honour. Also, a feast is held tonight on your behalf."

"Rise." He told them and Yuri stood up in a soldier way.

"Yes, captain!" She said before the other woman shot her a scolding look and she was sat again respectfully on her knees.

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