Chapter 25.2: Omake

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Rin was walking in town, glancing around her subtly and observing any movement of any passers by.

'you're too careless.' Tobi had told her.

She sighed, she knew he was right.

She was attacked recently and she didn't noticed anything about the man who may have trailed her, Tobi had teleported them in the far Land of Moon, which mean that thanks to that Tobi had cut their trails.

'Being a sensor type is so cool and practical.' Rin thought depressed.

She was doing some observations exercise while making an errand for Ookata-san.

In order to survive in the world she lived in, her analysis aptitude must answer to her demands.

Even if she doesn't know her enemies, she must be able to perceive every single reaction in their comportement if she come close to them.

They will do anything to hide it, but there will always be something in their behaviour to betray them; a startle, a twitch of an eyebrow, the blink of an eye,  an irregular breath. It can tell a lot about the state of a person.

So observing every single person in town and details about them was a good exercise.

Beside if she stay too long without visiting towns she will end up getting too paranoid and wouldn't be able to do it again normally without attracting suspecions.

She went inside a shop while trying to memorise every single thing her eyes had captured from afar in an instant before entering.

When her analysis was over, she browsed over the shop to see if she was correct and she was disappointed to see that she had missed an old Kaguya princess doll which was behind the tall man there.

"Hey, you, why are you wearing a hood in a shop?" Asked that tall man aggressively, as he may have noticed she was looking his direction.

Rin made it look like she didn't understand he was talking to her, why must all the weird people talk to her.

"Hey, I am talking to you." He said as he approached her with his tall height and big built body.

"Eh, excuse me." she started quietly when the man removed her hood for her, Rin glared at him.

"Oh," said the man tilting his bald head a little appreciating what he was seeing. "I see we have a doll face over here."

Rin looked at him severely, why must the weirdest man hit on her.

"Take off this stare would you Missy? I am not the kind of man who like uneducated woman, so doll face if you don't want me to ruin your face, calm down a little."

"Enough, leave her alone," said a young man coming between them before Rin had time to say a single word. "I will not tolerate those kind of comportement inside my shop."

The young man had light blue hair and sky blue eyes, he was very handsome.

"Hun, how dare you talk like this to a client? Have you ever heard of the saying *the client is king* ?" Said the bald big man.

"And you're bothering my client actually Mr, it's my duty to calm you down."

"Your client?" Asked the man aggressively. "And so am I, you're only protecting her because she have tits."

Rin gasped at his vulgarity and at that moment the young seller punched the man across the face making him fall on the exposed articles of the shop.

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