Chapter 73~ Stroking Depression

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"In other words, I lost the regeneration." Explained Rin to a small Chuu.

"How do we fix that?"

"Don't worry, the Jutsu isn't completed yet."


"R--Rin..." Said a horrified Ei.

Rin spitted blood and fell flat one her back, before her collision with the soil, Ei held her, watching shocked how the colour was leaving her.

"Damn!" Akatsuki swore, sticking his Katana in the trunk angrily before passing his palm through his face.

Ei hurried to her bag, falling many time in the process -because of her unhealed wounds - she digged inside for every medicinal plants she owned, for any rare item with healing properly she possessed.

"This...this stone can absorb all the major injuries..." She said hopelessly, walking back in her handicap to Rin's side, pressing her black stone against her chest, she wasn't one who usually panic or lose her calm, but at the moment she was trembling.

She supposed Rin was trying to say something but no words escaped her dried lips, veins appearing on her face as she was losing consciousness.

"I--if we just put it on the injury i--it wi--will absorb it and eventually heal her.."

It was a first for Kibikino Ei to stutter this way, she was usually confident and calm, but right now, her voice was shaking, unsure, unsafe.

"Why is it not working?" Asked Ei, pressing her stone harder against Rin's chest, the attack almost had her heart, but it didn't.

Akatsuki sighed sadly. "Stop it, it's useless Ei, the wound is too deep."

He was surprised to see a tear falling through her cheek, seeing Ei crying was as unusual as unlikely, even to him, he sighed sadly again.

"Let's bury her." He said.

Ei's hair was hiding her eyes, a tear visible in her right cheek, some dried blood visible in her pale white skin.

"Un." She nodded calmly.


"Captain!!!! We found a girl in the sea."

"How weird, her body wasn't disintegrated." Said the captain, eying her suspiciously.

Suddenly, Rin opened her eyes in a start, coughing and spitting water.

"Ahhhh!!!" Screamed all the pirates jumping away.


The Kibikino ran away taking with them the body of their friend, Nohara Rin.

Akatsuki was digging a grave for her, leaving some privacy to Ei who was washing sadly the body of the kunoichi.

Just a moment, Ei longed in her tired, cold face.

She hoped that now she would rest.

And while she was washing away her blood, she noticed that the wound was closing since earlier.


"Captain, that girl came back to life, I was sure she was dead when we fished her." Said a scared pirate.

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