Chapter 4~The Memories

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Flashback: 16 years ago

Rin POV:

Where am I now?


The Chidori shined.


I am dead...

I was killed, no...

I committed suicide in order to get rid of the jouin (cursed mark) in my chest.


The kiri shinobi sealed sanbi in me, first I asked Kakashi to kill me, but he refused

Thinking deeply about it, I was glad he refused, I couldn't just let him take this responsibility.

I decided to put an end my life alone.

In the edge of falling into eternal sleep, I luckily noticed the jouin.

If I killed myself, I would have lost the control of my body turning to an obedient puppet controlled by this person who tried to destroy Konoha or whatever was his goal.

But I knew the jouin wasn't made by kiri ninja.

If I tried to kill myself carelessly without destroying the jouin, in other word my chest, my body would be still moving without a heart just like a zombie, and the person who controlled me would have get what he/she wanted.

But how could I have done something like that, even if i jumped on the Kirigakure ninja, who would have such an attack.

An attack capable of destroying the chest completely to even breaking the bones.

An attack like the Chidori.

'I am so sorry Kakashi, even though you promised Obito to protect me, I will make you break your words, I don't want you to suffer because of me, but if the village is destroyed, many lives would just go in vain, my only existence doesn't worth all those lives.'

I was jumping from a tree to another.

Finger shaking.

I won't lie, doubts entered my heart, the Chidori was obviously dangerous and painful, being hit by million electric volts at once.

'Kakashi from now on you must be strong, and face this sadness without me and Obito... but you won't be alone, Minato-sensei, Gai, Asuma, Kurenai and everyone will be there too, so I am sorry again for making you bear this burden but this is the only way.....'

Still, if it was to save Konoha, I would die gladly, even by a horrible hurtful attack like the Chidori.

And so I ran.

For Konoha.

I could see all their smiling face.

Mom, dad, Kakashi, Minato-sensei, Kushina-san, Kurenai and her team, Anko and her team, Gai and his team, Sandaime.


And just like this.

My finger stopped shaking.

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