Chapter 14~ Pleasing Company

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'Lost? I can't believe I am lost.'

Rin was disappointed on her carelessness.

She wasn't paying attention to the road she was taking, until she found herself in a high mountain full of very long trees.

Worst, she had even forgot her map of the area at the restaurant of the last village she traversed.

She sighed annoyed by her own conduct.

'What's going on with me today, daydreaming about all those stuffs, I have been leading another life for about 17 years, and now I am recalling all those memories.'

Rin felt her body temperature rising, she touched her forehead while trying to master some calm over the situation.

'Great, and a fever needed to tag in as well.'

The young woman was upset against herself, she wasn't one who easily get sick, it was probably due to the stress and the overthinking that she accentuated her own condition.

She cursed her weakening heart, and summoned more patience from it.

Even though she can regenerate, she still can get sick, the regeneration is linked with the immortality, so it's only when Rin die that she can completely heal, that's how it works with illness too.

When it come to injuries, if its a major one it regenerate slowly and can completely disappear after one or two hours with no more side effect, if its minor it doesn't regenerate, but if she die then all the problem within her body will be solved in less than one second, making it the fastest regeneration.

But this was not an option for the Nohara, it wasn't even in consideration for minor things, she was traumatised with those death, and the last thing she would want was to relive a moment of reminder of those times.

Rin was looking right and left trying to tell where she came from.

'Trust my luck and walk wherever my feet would take me? what an idea.' Rin sulked, she pictured a funny parasite representing her luck smirking at her.

'Baka.' she told it in her mind before sighing and mumbling an "I should have known better."

The young woman shook her head violently refusing to add any more stress to her situation and decided to find the exit before nightfall, it was already sunset time, so she decided to hurry.

_"When you are lost in a mountain, always climb in the cliff to have a better view of the area." Always used to say her sensei, Namikaze Minato.

She headed up the cliff, and while she was walking, she saw a man standing there.

'Oh, I can ask him my way,' Thought Rin while examining the stranger, making sure he was not an enemy, when she looked proprely, she realised he wasn't, and he wasn't a stranger either, that man was without a doubt Tobi.

Rin smiled. 'For this time only, I thank you my luck, I knew you could be nice when you want.'

Many times, she had repeated in her head the speech she was gonna throw at him for daring to come to her room while she was asleep that night, and today he was finally gonna hear her out, and if he wanted her to quit nagging he will show her the way out.

She just hoped he was not lost like her.

Tobi was heading to the end of the cliff, he was looking down. And just like under the rain he was having this aura around him.

"Our world is full of pain and sorrow, murders, war...its just an infinite cycle of suffering and agony, and the rain is the proof that our world is crying, its just like the sky is crying his deaths and pain in a million of drop of water, and even if its stop for a while, it start raining again, just like war even if its stop it always start again, and when its stop for a long time we call it dryness, and people prey for its return, also just like war, when its stop, strong people want to conquer weak one again, and the weak want to avenge their death, so they prey for its return...this is what is the rain for me!"

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