Chapter 88~ An ambiguous Woman

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After washing her hands proprely, Rin closed the tap and looked at her reflection in the mirror, letting a small sigh escape from her mouth.

No matter how much Powder and Cancealer she had applied, her eyes still looked swollen from so much crying.

The image of the brutal way Obito had cut that man's head throbbed in her head, his flames illusion could suffocate her in an instant. Rin was doing her best to not think about it to do not cry all over again.

When she was a little girl and was falling for Uchiha Obito, Rin remembered thinking that this boy would never make anyone cry. Fate must be mocking her now.

Maybe that was her fault, yesterday at this same time, she was mentally complaining that he only kissed her to shush her or punish her. If someone had told her that the other way was yelling, rudeness, genjutsu and mind violation, she would have kept her hope lower.

She sighed and was about to leave the public bathroom, they arrived this morning to this port city (after telling their goodbye to Sasuke and his team, since Obito would take on the mission from now on) to take a ship and travel to their destination, but since the boarding was taking forever, she went to visit the town.

Rin was gonna hold the door knob when this last burst open, almost hitting her in the process had she not pulled away last minute, and a young woman broke inside in tears falling in the floor and crying hysterically.

"Oh..." Rin muttered looking at her, she was in no mood to be of any help to anybody, so why was that happening to her? She was gonna ignore like did another woman who was in the bathroom leaving simply after frowning at the crying red haired woman, but Rin couldn't find it in her to do the same.

So, she crouched next to her. "Are you alright?"

The young woman kept on crying, not even raising her head.

"Did someone said anything to you?" Rin asked gently, placing a comforting hand on the woman's shoulder. "Can I do something for you?"

"My life is over." The woman said.

"Why?" Rin asked concerned.

"ITS RAINING?" The woman said raising her head, revealing her messed up make up.

"And what's wrong with that?" Rin asked gently, tilting her head to the side.

"Did you take a good look at my face? My life is over." The woman cried again with her ruined mascara flowing down her cheeks.

"Oh come on," Rin said. "It still can be fixed, so unless you are some sort of sun spirit that dies in the rain, your life isn't over." She joked and the woman let out a little chuckle, then depressed again.

"It can't be fixed, I don't know how to use make up, my hair is a real mess too, talk about bad luck, always busy, then today when I had the chance to meet my lover for the first time in five years, look at me." The woman cried bitterly.

"But your make up was good."

"I hired a hairdresser and someone to do my make up and it's freaking raining today, just my luck." The woman cried even more.

"Oh, don't cry." Said Rin compassionately, she was so much depressed herself that she didn't even know what to do to help her, then she remembered when Obito gave her a chocolate when she was feeling down.

For some reasons, she didn't want to do it his way, but, her mind was blank for any other ideas, so, she retrieved the chocolate bar she had bought from the store earlier and extended it to her. "Chocolate?"

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