Chapter 25.4: Omake

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Omake: Training Prt 2:

Obito thought that he was done with this story of training but Rin had been  nagging him about it for two weeks.

He didn't wanted her to train to do not even consider engaging into a fight, but he knew she was daily training on her own every morning before he comes.

So today, he decided to tail her the morning to see what she was capable of.

He silently walked into the woods where she was training. He found her sitting down, eyes closed, just infusing chakra and placing some weapons at reach; Kunai and daggers.

Obito leaned against a tree and crossed his arms against his chest watching her.

He stood there looking at her for a while.

This woman, his woman was beautiful, her face was calm and serene, she seemed always cheerful and happy but he knew her better to be fooled, her beautiful face was saddened by the years.

Did any of them —team Minato— had the life he wished for? Probably no one.

Softly, Rin tilted her head to the side, her hair moving with the gesture, an urge to pass his fingers through those hair went through him.

She stood up and held the dagger, so she was finally going to start training.

Then with immense —and mostly unexpected —  speed she threw it his direction with the intent to kill, he could see with his Sharingan that she had charged the blade with her chakra to be transcendent as he was at least ten feets away from her.

Obito caught the blade between two fingers, inches from his chest, and looked at her surprised as she faced him now with Kunai in hand and a wary look in her eyes.

She didn't say a word.

"I am impressed," he said throwing the dagger away, noticing the blade has burned his gloves and the skin of his finger as it was probably infused with fire chakra. "But I could have killed you at least 6 time had I wished to." He said casually and walked to her.

"Stay where you are." She commended getting in a fighting posture, her face serious.


"What did you called me the first time we met?"

"Eh..., Rin it's me." He was gonna walk to her.

"Answer me." She shot a kunai in the ground before his feet, he looked at it then back at her suspicious face.

He sighed and raised his arms up. "I called you Tony, we met with a big guy, Sasori, I helped you when he was gonna attack you, we were with the guy Deidara, my senpai I talked to you about him, we spent that day together, then we separated, remember when you snored so loud." He teased tilting his head to the side.

Rin took a long breath, then rushed to him taking his hand in hers and ungloved it.

"I can go on with the story if you wish." He said.

She glared at him. "What were you thinking? You scared the hell out of me."

She must have sensed him when he was dwelling in the past and lost his attention.

Yet, Obito knew that he wasn't particularly careless, that was good, very good even.

"Sorry, I didn't intend to." He said chuckling and patting her head. "Don't worry, this was nothing." He showed her his hand.

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