Chapter 67~The Secret Of Immortality

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A/n: Rewritten:

Kaiji smacked the table away angrily.

His servants remained impassible as they bowed to him.

"One woman, you couldn't find only one woman?"

They all kept silent.

It had been two month already since Rin had blackmailed him about his silence.

Before giving up to a mere girl he never heard of, he had chose to find her first but that proved fruitless.

Originally, he did intended to grant her freedom, then the Masked Man took an interest in her, and told him to do not touch her.

That changed everything, he used all his resources to find anything about her but that proved almost useless, however not totally, that's how he thought that she might be a Nukenin from Konoha who was not registered.

He intended to blackmail her, not the opposite, he didn't wanted to give her in to Konoha first to do not stir the Akatsuki's wrath.

But instead, she found such a valuable evidence on him, fate was playing a bad trick on him.

"Ugh, that woman."


Rin pulled another book from the library, and put another stock of them atop the table.

She had travelled to a far away village, hidden cleverly through the woods, and whose inhabitants were versed in scholarship and science.

As of such, they always avoid fighting in wars and care only about studying.

Finding the village was no easy task, in general, you have to be smart and knowledgeable, and if you wanna enter, you have to pass an exam, this brought back memories, as Rin did that few years ago.

Anyway, as she found nothing about ancient runes where she was, she travelled here to have some clues on how to decode the inscription in the pendant she had received -or stole, said an inner voice - from Obito.

Once her set of books and Encyclopedia complete, she sat down and attacked another day of hard work.

Writing down the inscription, on sheet to facilitate the study.

And that's how her day started and passed.

Rin didn't rose her head from her work until her stomach groaned loudly, she blushed looking at her surrounding but everyone seemed focused on his work.

When the Nohara looked at the sky, she was surprised to see that the sun was already setting.

It was crazy how time fled by.

She stretched her legs and arms up, before deciding to go eat something.


The village embraced the different world cultures and therefore its street were crowded with various lands special dishes and specialities.

All seemed appealing, only a glance at it will have your mouth watering and your nostril flaring by the various appetising smells.

Rin set on bread pathetically, lamentably doing her best to look away from the tempting shops.

If someone had asked her how she saw her life at thirty, she would have told him that she imagined herself rich and retired, living her life lavishly, not broke.

What a shame?

She blamed herself for leaving her economy at Hanashu back in the past, from that day, it was a struggle to survive, then Obito had to play macho and go "don't work and don't work." She will learn to listen to him again.

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