Bonus 5: The Legend of the Blue Castle

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{This story happen in the past, telling us about the meeting of Obito and Takahiko Kaiji.}

Chapter Dedicated To happymentallybanana

A/n: Sorry it took pretty long before I finally wrote it, I was pretty busy with school and all.


Many years ago:

"I am not taking this to him." Said Obito visibly annoyed.

Uchiha Obito.

Sixteen years old.

Two Sharingan: his, and another.

Short hair.

He was unmasked, wearing a green warm jumper with the Uchiha crest on his back (he probably have his own dressmaker) and a normal black trousers.

"Obito, things aren't how they used to be in the past, now, you are representing Madara." Said White Zetzu.

Obito looked at them annoyed.

"This present for Kaiji? It's too much honour for him, plus I am sure Madara wasn't used on bringing present with him."

"Madara was the Head of the Uchiha clan, born in the most important branch, he was raised in the most noble way possible-" Said swirly Zetzu, aka Guruguru.

"Maybe that's because of this 'noblesse education' that he ended up using his kama as a cane, seriously." Commented Obito.

Swirly Zetzu giggled.

"He was old." He told him

"He wasn't even using it properly, he trailed it down behind him when he walked." Said Obito.

"Now that you mention it." Swirly one laughed followed by the White one.

"This is no time for stupid jokes." Said Black Zetzu doing what he do the best, ruin the mood.

"Even if politics didn't interest him, he still was a noble, bringing present is something customary." Said Black one.

"An unusual noble for sure this Madara." Obito noted, in times like that, he come to miss even him. "I am just saying that there is no need to bring that amount of money to this man."

"Is there a problem?" Asked White Zetzu."You seem very tired of him."

Obito looked annoyed. "Humph."

Swirly Zetzu answered.

"It's because last time Obito went to see him, he proposed him half naked human females."

"Almost naked." Rectified Obito.

"Yes, but you made it clear to him that you're not interested.

"Three times, he never give up, no wonder he is from the Fire Country, I bet he have the Will Of Fire." Obito said annoyed.

"Beside, why aren't you interested Obito?" Asked White Zetzu.


"You'll turn sixteen in one month, you don't wanna die a virgin, do you? I mean it's important for you human." He giggled.

Obito glared at them. "I forbid you to enter in such a conversation with me, now that your report is over leave this place immediately." He said severely.

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