Chapter 5~The Test Subject

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16 years ago:

Name: Nohara Rin.
Age: 12 years old.
Ninja registration: 010885.
Ninja rank: chūnin.
Status: deceased.
N°: 002.

Danzo held the report of the chūnin named Nohara Rin.

He would have never thought that the pupil of Namikaze Minato was the person he was looking for, he had to be careful Minato don't hear about this, otherwise he will ruin his plans.

'Just like Hiruzen, Minato is weak, they don't have the courage to do what's necessary and weak people can not protect Konoha'

Danzo's vision of protecting Konoha was completely different from the current leader's, for him killing innocent people for the sake of the village was normal.

"Shall we inform Orochimaru-sama, he is very good at leading experiments." Asked an anbu.

"No, there is no need to, he serve only his interest, if he had a problem with the Yellow Flash he will give him Nohara back to avoid problem with him." Answered Danzo.

"How about Rin's parents, her father Nohara Kageochi? Is he like her?"

"We can assume that Nohara Kazuya performed his jutsu before his son was born, so Kageochi inherited from him, but since we are not sure we will keep him alive for now, we can use him with Rin's experiments." Said Danzo.

"So, we are gonna study the girl's regeneration power first, and if we succeed, we can create stronger shinobi who can come back to life after death." Said the anbu.

"If we got Kazuya from the beginning, we would have avoided all of this but again because of Hiruzen's kindness, here we are." Said Danzo angrily.

"Danzo-sama, the girl arrived." Said the anbu.

Danzo looked behind the glass where he saw two Anbu trailing a little girl with them.

"We brought the test subject number N°002!" Exclaimed one of the two guardians who was holding Rin.

'Wait they are talking about me when they sayd test subject N°002?' Thought Rin clutching her broken arm, trying her best to contain pain tears.

They threw her in the floor as if throwing a piece of trash, it shouldn't sting, Rin had almost became friendly with kidnappings, being abducted by both Iwa and kiri ninja in the past, she was used to the harsh treatment.

But from Shinobi of her own village, it stung very hard.

She immediately held her broken arm and used her medical ninjutsu to heal it, or at least stop the pain but before she could do anything, an other man came.

They looked like equipped surgeons, scared she tried to run away, anywhere.

But the ANBU behind her held her, she struggled to escape their clench but no use.

'What is this? Why am I arrested by my own village?'

"Who are you? Why am I here? Do you work for Danzo-sama? Why are you doing this to me?" She was asking while one of the doctor placed something on her chest.

Rin knew what it was, she read about it in books, a chakra controller, they had been created to stop the prisoners to use chakra during the Second Great Ninja War, but they were forbidden because they use the heart beat of its holder to stop chakra from moving which kill him slowly.

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