Chapter 70~To The Land Of Valley

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A/n: extra long chapter, but important one.

The three have started their travel to the land of valley, Akatsuki was a samurai and Rin a ninja, however a normal girl like Ei had trouble keeping up with them.

Ei was the most knowledgeable girl Rin had ever met, she knew almost everything on everyone, old stories and even some world secrets, she also possess a variety of rare items.

"How did she got this?" Would always ask a shocked Rin, in few situation.

Akatsuki was undoing the rope of the boat they were gonna take.

That was an old tablet known for being able to hide or completely erase someone's presence, which can make him undetectable by the most strongest sensor type ninja.

All you have to do is insert your chakra inside the tablet and be close to it during its use.

"I have stopped asking where does Ei find her stuff." Said Akatsuki simply while putting their bags in the boat.

However, Kibikino Ei was extremely weak and slow.

She would also stop them many times to add some items to her collection, she adored collecting stuffs, all sort of things, beautiful flowers that she keep in vial for flowers, rare shells; where she would often argue with Rin for who take it, since they both liked collecting it, Ei in everything, Rin only shells.

Thus, Ei have a very large bag held by Akatsuki, she also had her little small bag which oddly comport a lot of things, and  all this while hiding all her stuff in prepared scrolls —those ones already containing a fuin, so no need for the holder to be a ninja— otherwise it would take even more place.

During the travel, they took hidden ways to go undetected, making it a difficult path for the black haired too girly girl.

Rin would always come back to her to help her pass through difficult roads or high cliffs, smiling kindly, giving her some cheering words.

Ei was even more slow than normal human being, she ignored how to run and could only do so at the speed normal people walk with, or the speed she herself walk with.

Rin really loved that young girl named Ei, she was doing her best in everything, she found her adorable, which why she hugged her a lot, sometimes, patting her head.

To Ei, Rin was very beautiful, courageous, cheering and kind, she admired her for that and wanted to be as cheerful as her, she was like a model to her.

However, taking dangerous roads, they met fierce animal while Rin and Ei were distracted, looking at the sky or chatting or Rin helping Ei, so in the end Akatsuki always saved the situation, against bandits they met, landslide or any other calumnies.

He was very smart and was able to find an an exit to everything, he could exploit the power of the team to their profit, using both Rin's ninja abilities and Ei's knowledge, combined with his swordsmanship.

"He is very cool, Kibikino-sensei!" Said Rin smiling widely.

Ei nodded simply looking straight.

"He must have success with women." Commented Rin.

"Yes, but he is too busy." Said Ei in compassion.

Even though her face is usually expressionless, when you spend time with her you can tell she was a very kind soul and try her best to be useful, and eventually notice she actually try to have more expressions, sadly for her, it remained unsuccessful so far.

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