Chapter 3~Leaving Village

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Third person pov:

'What should I do, this iwa nin have kidnapped kaya-chan and Kakashi went after him....i should go for support, no, now is the time I leave, it's the only time I have, the only time..., Kakashi will be fine, a ninja like this one wouldn't be able to harm him, Kakashi is strong.'

Rin turned on her feet heading to her house, heart still beating for the unrequited meeting with Kakashi.

'And now a ninja who kidnap Kaya-chan, this is the worst.'

Her body was still shaking.

'Calm down Rin, calm down, inspire then expire.'

She was walking her way back home, incapable to take out all this off her mind.

'But wait, what if Kakashi will be injured?' she thought stopping her pace as if fidget 'what if the iwa ninja have nakama? What if Kakashi will underestimate him so much that he will be in trouble? Usually boys always have this problem.

'What if Kakashi is already injured? What if this nukenin is stronger than he look? No, no, no, stop worrying this much Rin, Kakashi is one of the strongest ninja alive, didn't you heard of him in any side of the world as the notorious Copy Ninja, Kakashi of the Sharingan.'

She started walking again then stopped suddenly, she raised her head up exasperated, eyes closed, she sighed before snapping her eyes open and running back on her steps without hesitation.

'I don't know why I did that, nor what I am gonna do when I meet him, what I am gonna say to him, or even if I will be able to escape , to live normally again, what will happen from now on, but I will take the risk, I will at least check if he is alright.'

The young woman was leaping from a roof to another when she saw Kakashi holding Kaya and jumping up.

'So he saved her, I knew he could do it!' She couldn't help a nostalgic smile to cross her lips, the admiration she used to give Kakashi resurfacing again.

However Kakashi seemed odd, he was fighting without putting his full weight on his feet, his jump made it look like that he was avoiding to force on the right side of his stomach

'I did feared for the worst.' thought Rin.

Suddenly an other Kakashi beated the nukenin.

'Which one is the real Kakashi?'

The Kakashi holding Kaya took off some paper from her back.

'Explosion card?' Rin thought worryingly.

He was going to jump away but oddly he didn't made it, even the kid Kakashi would have.

'It's as I thought he was injured.'

The explosion exploded, and Kakashi served as shield for Kaya.

"Kakashi!" Rin cried out doubling speed, she was able to catch Kakashi and Kaya mid air, before jumping on the nearest roof.

The iwa nukenin who lost his fight collapsed downside.

Hearing all the noise out there, many villagers gathered out, Kaya was still shocked by all what happened to her, understandable, she almost died today, Rin would have comforted her but she was more preoccupied by Kakashi's state, taking up his jonin vest and shirt she saw his wounds.

'As I thought he was injured, and it's pretty serious, now I feel sorry that I didn't noticed it this morning.'

If she had, he wouldn't have to finish his day in such a state.

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