Chapter 42~ Unpredicted Proposal

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The cousin of the Feodal Lord; Takahiko Kaiji, took in his service the needed shinobi, as deducted Akito there were only few workers in his service, and he wanted everything to be ready for the waited Lord's arrival.

The three have started working in the Lord's Mansion, situated, sadly for team 7, in the corner of the Fire Land, very far from Konoha.

In the other hand, that made things easier for Rin, she would be able to leave the Land of Fire without trouble, as long as the Lord kept his mouth shut for the moment.

They all were obliged to wear traditional kimono matching the other servant's.

Apart from getting rid of the wild boars that they more like chased away than actually harmed, each one of them has his own tasks, Naruto was at first charged of the kitchen, to wash the dishes and all but they kicked him out of the castle to the garden as he broke almost all the the plates, chair and other furniture, however that was an even worse idea since he couldn't do the difference between bad herb and normal ones, thus he ended up doing labourus works.

The girls were charged of the kitchen, Sakura was very bad at those tasks so it was all thrown at Rin, Sakura was much better at cleaning, She was able to clean up a place holding all the heavy stuff alone, Rin would help her from time to time.

Whenever she had some free time, Rin would rush to Akito to have some small conversation that were usually interrupted by his inhumanly overfilled schedule.

Akito, him, wanted to tell her how he felt but he was always busy and whenever they met it was to catch up properly, the other time she was with the kids, those kids were too hyperactive for him.

Thus, unfortunately it was always cut short.

Naruto would run everywhere causing trouble followed by a scolding Sakura and Rin to somehow fix the problem.

Rin and Sakura looked for a way to regain Rin's memory but with no result.

Naruto stood calm and followed Sakura's instructions to stay for few days to do not attract attention on the incident and causing trouble for Rin.

And that's how they spent this last week, yes one week have passed with Naruto and Sakura out of the village, thus with kyuubi's jinchuriki out of the village, Tsunade will surely kill them, especially that Danzo will start blablabling in her head.

Kakashi and Yamato had a hard time looking for the kids, after all they couldn't imagine they were in the Mansion of Takahiko Kaiji, things should go better for them when Kakashi will take this more seriously and summon his dogs.


"Excuse me my Lord, what did you say?!" Asked a shocked Rin not believing what she just heard.

"Wait my lord, I disapprove-" started Akito before being interrupted.

"The Geisha who's working in my service eloped with the gardener as they were in a secret relationship, and I want Ayame to replace her for the days the Lord will be staying here." Said the Lord Kaiji.

"Wait I can't do that-" started Rin when Kaiji interrupted her.

"You also must call him 'Master'."

"My lord, Ayame can't do this." Said Akito. Rin nodded in affirmation.

"I DIDN'T ASK FOR YOUR OPINION!" Yelled the Lord, Akito clenched his fists as he glared at him when the useless Lord started crying under the shocked face of everyone. "I promised the Lord who will be coming to give him a gift he is not about to forget and I thought of giving him the woman who was working here, but....*snif* ....but the woman run away." Said the cousin of the Feodal Lord.

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