Chapter 69~The Writer And The Expressionless Girl

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"Arigato gozaimacheta. (thank you in a formal way)" Said Ei sitting formally on the ground, bowing respectfully to the Nohara.

Rin froze in shock. "No need to thank me like this, I haven't done anything, please, stand up!"

Ei eyed the Kunoichi in front of her then stood up, dusting her Kimono off.

"You said your name was Rin-san?"

"Yes, you can call me Rin."

"Are you perhaps Nohara Rin? You correspond to her description."

"Euh,...h-how do you know?" Rin asked, suddenly suspicious.

"While reading about Kirigakure no satou, I heard that they used a jinchuriki to destroy Konoha in the Third Shinibi Great War , that's how I heard about you."

'How come? this was supposed to be top secret information, Kirigakure adores secrets and Konoha wanted to keep quiet about it.' Thought Rin shocked.

"Then lately, a Shinobi named Katsumi asked me about you." She added.

Rin looked at her a moment, like weighting her words.

"Did I say something unnecessary?" Asked Ei calmly.

", no, I am just impressed you heard about it, are you from kiri?" Asked Rin, trying to keep her tone even.

"No, I like gathering informations, plus, walls and trees talks, for those who know how to listen." Said Ei, sounding somehow proud.

Rin looked at her with widened eyes for a moment then smiled. "Kibikino Akatsuki."

Ei tilted her head to the side.

"The quote you just used 'walls and trees talks for those who know how to listen' it was in his book: The Tree Who Lost Its Leaves. Kibikino-sensei is one of my favourite author." Said Rin excitedly, deciding that it was wrong to suspect her, someone who read The Tree Who Lost Its Leaves was everything but a bad person.

Kibikino Akatsuki was Rin's favourite author, he wrote many historical novels, in Edo era.

Fun fact, he also carried the same name as the Akatsuki Organisation.

Ei grimaced what Rin concluded as a smile. "So you read his books, but I didn't quoted him." She said thoughtful.

Rin looked at her questionably tilting her head to the side.

Ei looked at her when they heard a falcon shrieking, Rin looked at the sky and Ei followed her gaze, then looked back at her.

"Is he hunting in this rain?" Wondered Rin.

Ei nodded.

Rin looked at her formal posture a moment then she smiled warmly.

"You know Ei, you can relax, there is no need to be this formal, we are between woman here, I can call you Ei, right?"

Ei nodded.

Rin smiled at her cute behaviour and asked her what she was doing in such a dangerous hill.

"I was gonna meet with my cousin today, and then I remembered that the plant may grew this way, I decided to go take it first, so I am pretty late, and we needed to wait until the rainstorm stopped too, anyway, do you wanna come with me?" Proposed the black haired girl.

" Why?" Asked Rin confused and perplexed.

"It may interest you." Said Ei simply.

"O--ok...?" Said Rin more in a question tone. "When did you plan to meet?"

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