Bonus(4): A Day With Team Seven(2)

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~Meeting The relatives~

Kakashi, Sasuke and Naruto were willing to accompany Sakura to her family meeting, the three ninja never participated to normal family meeting since they all come from ninja family, except for Naruto who never had a family in the first place.

Since it will be a party they had to be presentable, so they all got home to re meet with Sakura in the village's gate.

When Sakura went home, she found a letter written by her parents, Haruno Kizashi and Mebuki, where they told her that they wouldn't be able to attend the party and asked her to go alone, they also left her the gift in the side adding that they would definitely attend the weeding.

Reminder: for now it's only the engagement party.

"Those two, they just don't want to meet with uncle Hayashi." She thought annoyed.

'However at least, dad wouldn't make those insupportable joke around Sasuke-kun, hihihihih' thought inner Sakura.

She took a dress that she would wore later if need be and joined her team.

In the other side Uzumaki Naruto was super excited that he prepared a big bag.

He was going in destination when he bumped into Hinata who fell down.

"Aghh, Hinata, I am sorry, are you okay?" He said handing her his hand.

Hinata rose her head to be faced by Uzumaki Naruto's close face.

"Huh, N-naruto-kun." She said blushing while standing up alone.

"Hahahaha, so you stood up alone."

"Ehh, Naruto-kun, are you going on a mission?" She asked shyly hiding behind a pillar, avoiding eye contact, already using all her courage to talk to him.

"Hihihihi, no not at all, I am gonna attend a family meeting with Sakura-chan, so Hinata do I look good?"

Hinata allowed herself to glance at Naruto, does he look good, did he just asked her if he looked good, but Naruto always looked good.

The Hyuuga felt dizzy for a moment, she gathered her courage to reply.

"Ah, I'll be late, and they'll go without me." Said Naruto.

"Ehh, I....I t--think that Naruto-kun always...." She didn't even finished that the hyperactive Uzumaki was already gone.

At the gate:

When Sakura arrived, Sasuke was the first one there, he was standing in his famous position, his hands on his pocket.

"Sasuke-kun." Called Sakura, Sasuke looked at her and nodded.

Naruto and Kakashi were pretty late, she inside wished they would be late forever, so they won't go.

"It's unusual for Naruto to be late." Commented the young girl.

"Ahh(yes)!" Said Sasuke.

Sakura then glanced at Sasuke with a blush.

'But if it's so, this mean, this is Sasuke-kun and I's romantic ti~~~~~~~me." Thought inner Sakura.

"Nee (tell me), nee, Sasuke-kun..." She started.

"Oi, Sakura-chan, Sasuke." Interrupted Naruto.

'Ohhhhh, what a bad timing.' Yelled inner Sakura.

"So, let's go, let's go, let's go." Said Naruto running in the same place.

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