Chapter 86~ Rin's Recollection

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The wind blew harder and Rin had to push back her hair behind her ear as she looked at the immense structure of the Castle that seemed nothing more than macabre ruin today.

"My fears..." She said and her heart beated faster against her chest, then she looked at Obito with troubled eyes. "I can't go in there..."

"But you will have to." He said looking at her.

Rin opened her mouth to retort but he spoke over her.

"While I was kind the previous night and told you that it's natural to depress over what happened to you, it is not all right."

Rin said nothing, she felt a tingling sensation inside her throat, she had enough nightmares enough as it was to go in a place that materialise them, she would go crazy.

"Rin, I don't want to scare you but you know that what happened yesterday is serious, very serious. And it's not something we can deal with following the classical method." He said seriously, his tone was authoritative.

Rin hanged her head, she seemed even more exhausted all of sudden.

"However, even if that was terrible, I assume you are aware that there is hundreds of case similar to yours, of people who knew little more than pain and suffering."

She looked saddened and nodded.

"Many Shinobi are confronted with a critical state that showed just how horrifying our ninja world is, for some it was more difficult than others, of course you are one of them, but while everyone is called to take the choice to oversee it, get used to the horror accomodating all the while secretly clinging to a desire for peace, or, change and give up on the pathetic ninja system..."

To every words he said, there was truth to it, he was talking about facts and for some reasons, it's verity sent chill down her spine.

"You Rin, refused to chose any, and that got you in this situation."

The Kunoichi's eyes widened, she looked away, there was once a boy who promised her to bring peace to the world, and after all this time, was she still waiting for him?

"We still have four days before the depart, I will leave you here to deal with this issue for that time, you can take the fact that you won't die anyways as a sort of reassurance." He sighed the last word under her shocked gaze. "And if by that time, you haven't collected yourself and got rid of this, I will have you discharged of the mission."

She looked startled, as though she wasn't expecting it. "You have no right."

"I do." Obito said. "I assure the security of my clients, the Kibikino, you are a Dr and you know how those cases can prove particularly severe in some cases. Attacking one's self is one of those cases, yesterday it was you, next time it could be the little princess."

Rin gasped and unintentionally took a step back.

"But most importantly, from what I have gathered, the one who pushed that you away, the one who sealed her down, the one who told you to go on and certainly the one she hate the most is Akito, isn't it?"

At this, Rin's heart beat faster, she felt cold sweat dropping down her face, her legs shook and she knew she was afraid.

"You didn't realise, but those closest to you are obviously more in danger than anyone else, considering how harmless you usually are, but if this girl who is you, is everything you aren't, you can't tell what she can do, and precisely to the person who caused you to change from her."

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