Chapter 50~ Dispute

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Rin quietly opened the door facing the Uchiha, with a smile, but her eyes were glacial.

"Akito-sama has already punished me." She said bowing.

Akito half stood up. " Ayame."

Obito's eyes widened in surprise as he realised the blasted man knew her real name, while she was strict about how he shouldn't divulge it, here she was telling some random man about it.

He couldn't believe she trusted him with that while she didn't with him, he didn't knew when it started, but he was gritting his teeth and had to breath multiple time to calm himself up.

"Take a look please." She said showing a cut in her forefinger, "I am a medic nin so i was able to heal my hands." She said as of she just gave the proof of the century.

'he is angry,' Rin noted as she watched the Masked Lord, no wonder she avoid him, he is always angry, even with his mask, she could tell, and hated to admit he scared her.

Nevertheless, in the outside she remained composed.

"Oh my, then I was wrong about you Akito." Obito said unamused.

Akito glared at him while Rin glared at Kaiji who oddly smiled awkwardly.

"Ah Ayame, you surely made us wait." He said. "She is here sir," Started Kaiji while sweat was dropping through his face due to the cold glare of....well, technically everyone.

'Most of the stares on this room are glares.' Rin thought to herself trying to suppress this growing feeling of fear, anxiousness and anger in her as she felt the Masked Man's eyes on her.

She then felt Akito's gentle stare and smiled to him encouragingly as if telling him by telepathy that everything was gonna be alright and that she can handle herself, and as if Akito understand her, he averted his eyes sadly.

Obito watched the scenes in disgust as he just couldn't stand the complicity between Rin and Akito.

Obito looked at Kaiji and nodded to him, it took the old lord a moment before understanding.

"However, I think she is way too inexperienced for you, so maybe she can just resume her tasks as your personal maid." He said laughing stupidly glancing at Obito as if asking him if he did correctly what was expected of him and Obito looked away to do not make it too obvious like this idiot was doing.

He could show Rin of course, how much more he had control over her life but he didn't wanted to crush her self-esteem even more than he was already doing.

"This is a marvellous idea." Said Obito, looking at Rin.

Rin looked at him unpleased, she was in fact shocked, and Obito could tell that the message he wanted to send her arrived, how higher up and lords play with their worker's life like a toy.

"So we will leave you then." Said Kaiji standing up quickly.

"No need for." Said Akito surprising everyone by his temper. "She is just gonna serve him, we don't need to leave them alone."

Rin sent him a worried look.

"Akito, what did you say?" Said Kaiji.

"Akito is right, you don't need to do that." Obito said slightly amused while walking toward Rin. "we will leave." He said holding Rin by her elbow and he hoped for her own sake she wouldn't pull away because he didn't know how he would react then.

He glared at the Seto. 'This Akito need to understand once and for all that Rin will never be his.'

'Aki-chan....he is not supposed to say that to a lord, at least the masked man didn't take it at heart for now,' Rin thought looking between Obito and Akito.

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