Chapter 40~ Not a Castle

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After they accepted the proposition of Kaiji, the three ninjas all followed him to his castle, situated in the border of the Land of Fire.

Kaiji was on his palanquin which was held by his servants, Akito was walking just next to it, in case the lord needed something, Rin and the others were walking behind them with some others servants and guards.

"What's with this old geezer, not even bothering to walk and had to let those guys holding his carriage." Complained Naruto to himself with his hands behind his head.

Rin was spacing out looking at Akito's back with a smile, he was from nobility himself, he ought to be on a palanquin, yet, he chose to walk.

"We shouldn't have done this stupid game, we would have been home by now." Said Sakura shrugging.

"I am sorry." Apologised Rin.

"No, no, no, no need to apologise Ayame-san, it was funny, but what I meant is that we tried to help you and we put you in an even worst situation."

When she introduced herself to the Lord earlier, Rin used the name Moriyama Ayame and asked those two to refer to her this way, she hoped it won't be too difficult since they started calling her that in the first place.

"You're kind Sakura." Answered the Nohara with a gentle smile. "But I am fine, if it wasn't that game I wouldn't have met my childhood friend again."

Sakura smiled as well. "So, you're fine now? I am happy to have you smile again."

"Yeah, I am sorry for worrying you this much."

"In the end, why where you this disconnected?" Asked Naruto nonchalantly trailing after the two kunoichi.

"Hey, Naruto, you shouldn't ask her this openly." Failed Sakura to whisper to the Uzumaki.

"It's fine." Said Rin. "I am fine now, thank you. Actually, I think I lost my memory." Said Rin with a little chuckle.

"What?" They said loudly in unison, before being fixed severely by all the surrounding servants.

"I have so many holes in my memory...." said Rin massaging her temple with her index. "Well, the thing is I have no holes at all, which mean that the person who did it was very good, he/she even bothered to fill the hole in my memory, but I know myself, I was able to do things I never thought I can do and without reason, this person may have erased my memory, but not my feeling, a lot of feelings has came back to me." Said Rin, even though she doubted they would swallow such a weird explanation.


"I am fine now, thanks to both of you." Smiled Rin warmly. "Plus I will definitely take back what is mine, and my memory is mine."

"YOSHA!! Then we will help you take it back-dattebayo" Said Naruto with a big encouraging smile with a thumb up.

"Yes!" Said Sakura smiling too.

Rin looked at them surprised by their determination to help her, then smiled tenderly.

They were genuine and uniquely kind, a very rare and pleasing sight to see in the messed up world they lived in.

"But how are we gonna do that?" Asked Sakura thinking.

"How about you get a really strong punch from Sakura-chan, it can be useful." Proposed Naruto.

"I'll pass." Said Rin chuckling.

"Wanna get one instead Naruto, I will give you one no problem." Said Sakura teasingly, angry by the fact that he always bring up the super strength story.

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