Chapter 6~The Masked Man

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Rin POV:

I reached the raven haired guy, unconsciously holding his arm turning him toward me.

I looked at him breathless, my hair probably pretty messy due to the race.

I was probably a mess.

He was wearing a swirly orange mask, with only a hole in his right eye.

'He......I can't see his face.'

"What the hell is that? Un." Said the blond guy.

I was still looking at the masked man, not paying attention at all to the other two.

In normal time, I shouldn't have approached an Akatsuki or anyone close to them, I judged them dangerous, and mercenaries were the last person a fugitive could trust, but all the emotions of possibly meeting Obito had took the best of rational thinking I could muster at the moment.

I tried to look at his body searching for a matching with Obito's, so much that I didn't noticed I was openly looking from head to toe at the poor stranger.

His whole body was covered, except from the toes since he was wearing ninja sandals.

He had white skin, I noted looking at his feets, that was one small common point with Obito, I looked back at his face and stared at it for awhile.

'I don't feel his will.'

"Obito!!!" I called in the past to a crushed Obito.

With much hesitation, I let go of his shirt, slowly stepping back, still looking at him, disappointed that it wasn't Obito, sad that he really left me, desperate.

That was only when I noticed the other two staring that I realised that what I did was completely inappropriate.

Pulling a stranger, who is a masked man in addition, did I ever said that I have a phobia of masked man, looking at him from up to down...

'I must better apologise.'

"Heee, what? Don't tell me there is actually someone interested in Tobi? Un." Said amusingly the blond guy adding this weird 'Un' of confirmation of him.

'Tobi, I assume he is talking about the masked man.'

I looked back at Tobi to notice that he stood immobile, like almost blocked, he was looking at me I would say, it seemed that he was surprised or something but since he was wearing a mask I couldn't tell.

Still, him staring at me like this made me uncomfortable, I shyly turned my eyes away looking everywhere but him before shyly looking at him again.

"Ho?... you are unusually quiet today Tobi! Un!" Said the blonde guy.

Tobi stayed quiet for awhile, he was still staring at me, I guess it can't be helped, he must have thought i am mad or something.

Imagine you are standing somewhere and someone come and pull you, stare at you silently from up to down continuously before showing you his bitter sad face, anybody would be shocked.

He then looked at the blond guy a moment.

"Eh-h." I could hear him murmur.

He was still looking at me which confused me, I felt his gaze was traversing my whole body.

'What's wrong with him? Is he really alright?'

"Hey, Tobi when I talk to you, answer me! Un!" Said the blond guy angrily hitting Tobi which made him fall flat on his back.

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