Chapter 9~Tobi and Miwa (2)

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Rin and her new found friend Tobi, or Obito, headed to the inn she talked about, she went to reserve and as she was talking with a waitress there Tobi was looking at her, he glanced sideway toward the street and got outside, standing under the rain staring up at the foggy sky.

Yes, today was a long day, a lot of unexpected things happened, and its been a long time since something had surprised him.

Watching the rain reminded him of his past, the days after her death...

Suddenly he felt the rain stopping around him, he looked beside him and found Rin holding an umbrella who sheltered them from the rain.

"If you stay too much under the rain, you are gonna get sick" exclaimed the short woman, she was rising her hand very high to be able to hide the long man under her umbrella, something he found cute.

Obito looked at her.

"I like the rain too but you mustn't stay under it, or you're gonna catch a cold." Said Rin with her sweet caring eyes.

Obito softly pushed the umbrella and Rin with it, he walked again under the rain. "I don't like the rain." He started.

"Our world is full of pain and sorrow, murders,'s just an infinite cycle of suffering and agony, and the rain is the proof that our world is crying, its just like the sky is crying his uncountable deaths in a million of drop of water, and even if its stop for awhile, it start raining again, just like wars and deaths, even if it sometime stops, it always start again, and when it stop for a long time we call it dryness, and people prey for it's return, also just like war, when it stop, strong people want to conquer weak ones, the weak want to avenge their death, so they prey for its return...this is what the rain is for me!" Explained Obito under the sad expression of the woman.

She was shocked, such a beautiful thing as the rain was seen like that, that was so sad.

She looked at him silently then walked toward him.

"Actually the rain fall because of high temperature during summer, the water vaporise and form the clouds in the sky, when it became full, and the temperature goes down the clouds will free their water and that's what cause the rain, million of beautiful drops of water filling the earth-" she said sheltering him under the umbrella more firmly this time.

Obito looked at her.

"But if you wanna give it a poetic description, then I think the rain fall to wash all our sadness away, our pain and agony, it wash it all, cleaning the earth, before giving a beautiful view, just like telling us that there is a new hope and after every rain there is a beautiful sky." Said Rin gazing at the sky before looking at the man smiling brightly.

They looked at each other for awhile, and for a moment the world seemed to stop, there was only him and her, here alone, only the sound of the rain could be heard.

Slowly, Rin saw his hand moving up, her heart almost skipped a beat in anticipation, she felt that something was gonna happen, she didn't knew when or what or how but she felt it.

"Ayame!" Called the waitress impatiently. "You wanted to reserve a room, come on!"

Obito suddenly came back to reality, as like remembering that that girl wasn't Rin.

"I am coming! Let's go back!" Said Rin.

They got inside and reserved a room for Tobi.

Both shinobi headed to their rooms, they didn't get dinner but nobody cared, Rin changed into pyjama, actually this room wasn't the one she used last days, since she had already told the people from the inn that she would leave today, someone else have reserved her old room.

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