Chapter 27~Job and Girl

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"So, we are boyfriend and girlfriend?" Asked Rin smiling with red cheeks.

"What else?" Obito retorted with a smile she could not see, in fact he couldn't stop smiling.

He looked at the woman next to him, she seemed in her thoughts, giggling a little as if thinking of something fun.

Before the young man had time to ask her what she was thinking about, she suddenly hugged his arm taking him by surprise in the process.

Blushing under his mask, Obito looked at the short brunette, she was smiling big, her cheeks reddened.

"So, I am your first girlfriend." She noted giggling. "You may not know how to act with girls, but don't worry I am gonna teach you! I'll take good care of you."

"Because you know how to act in a relationship?"

Rin giggled.

Her laugh was contagious so he laughed too, after all he was so happy. "I hope you're not counting on your romance books to guide you, are you?"

Rin twitched her lips looking at him.

"Beside, what does tell you I don't know how to act with women?" Obito asked amused. "What does tell you that I have never dated anyone?" He questioned in a challenging tone.

Rin looked at him fixedly for a moment then hugged his arm tighter giggling which made the young man frown. "We spoke about it last time we watched a sunset together."

'She is date me.' Obito thought swallowing the situation.

Again, he found himself lost in her smile, he was so happy hismelf, and he was happy she was happy.

"Next time we should watch full moon." She proposed. "And maybe you could take us to a waterfall." She said thoughtful tilting her head to the side. "I wanna see a waterfall, or a lake, both are good."

'Oh, Rin, I'd rather have a kiss.' Obito thought as he was looking at her thinking about where they should goes next, then she looked at him.

"What do you say?"

"Ahh (yes)! Why not?" He answered after a light chuckle.

Rin chuckled then leaned her head against him closing her eyes for a moment, Obito smiled.

After a moment, she let go of his arm and looked now at the night sky.

"Nee(tell me) Tobi."


"How was she?"

"She? Who's she?"

"When we first met last year, you told me that I looked like someone, a certain her?" She asked still looking at the sky.

'What should I tell her? This person is you and I love you! Humph'

Obito sighed.

He had already decided he won't tell her who he was. First, it would be troublesome, second she may hate him if she know he left the village and also for hiding all those years.

True, she did the same thing, but the paths they are taking are entirely different.

"It doesn't matter, you are with me now. That's the essential."

"It matter!" She said suddenly looking at him at once. "When you thought I was her, you hugged me very tightly, I don't know, she seemed to be an important person to you, so if it's important to you then it does matter!"

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