Chapter 41~Deceived

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Akito POV:

21 years ago:

"My name is Nohara Rin, nice to meet you, do you work in the hospital as well?" Said a nine years old Rin to an eleven years old me.

"It's not of your business, I don't intend to get involved with anybody, so just let me be, you're a nuisance." I answered coldly.

I was sitting in my office chair writing some report while she was behind me, her arms behind her, she seemed even more younger than me and she was already wearing the doctor blouse.

"Ehh.. Gomenassai(sorry), I didn't meant to disturb you." She said with a little chuckle, "however you shouldn't talk like that to people, they are gonna hate you. And you'll end up alone." She said like if she was teaching me the lesson of the century.

"Maybe, but you are annoying me, so leave." I said even more coldly.

A depressing aura fell on the girl, but just after she raised her head again, it was illuminated by an awkward and yet beautiful smile, "anyway if you change your mind then come to spend some times with us, you're always working alone in this dark spot with all those dead people around you, never talking to anyone."

Akito glared at her and she suspended her words for a moment, then courageously went on.

"If you spend more time with people you might like them," she said tentatively. "You should try just to try, I am sure everyone would like to spend some more time with you." She said with a little smile, waved a bye-bye smiling kindly this time and run away.

I looked at her running away, she sure is a smiling person.

'We're in a hospital, you are not supposed to run.' I said to myself.

Present day:

I woke up in my bed, waked by the sunbeam and the chirps of little birds, feeling confused and empty.

What an odd dream.

"Rin..." I said, "how come we got to this?"


17 years ago:

I quickly got out of the surgery room, I was the first one out, I went to the bathroom as fast as I could, and only when I reached it, I vomited all what I have in the stomach.

It lasted a certain moment, I washed my face again and again.

"What have I done!" I asked myself falling on my knee, tears stuck in my eyes looking at my own hand shaking.

We just finished another experiment on Rin's body, we also do many other on other people to try on them the organ of the young Nohara or else, but it's only when we are doing Rin's experiment that I end up like this.

Three months have passed since I started working for Danzo, and also three month since I met Rin again.

The first time I saw her I defied my uncle and the others to let her out, to do not let anybody touch her, I was even ready to fight to free her, but what I ignored is that they were right.

She really didn't feel anything, when I held her to run away, she didn't said anything, neither opposed any resistance and run away with me.

But when I have been caught by them I asked her to run, while the others asked her to go back to them, otherwise they would be even more awful, instead of running away as I asked he to, Rin was leaning against the wall, trembling in the ground, and when they called her, she went to them, she with her own feet walked back to them.

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