Chapter 81~ Sweet Dessert

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Obito was absorbed in his work, he was in his office the whole day, reading the latest reports and documents of the members of the Akatsuki.

Making sure their works was well done, well.

God, how he hated paper works.

Itachi, Konan, Nagato, Kisame had good reports, perfect even, not tiring at all.

However, he couldn't believe he let Deidara make such a lousy report just to have to be the one to receive it later.

Any ninja should be able to at least make a good report, seem that Deidara would forever surprise him.

He sighed exasperated, how the hell did Nagato understand those signs -that Deidara found it in him to use as key words for his reports. He was probably helped by Konan.

He set that report aside and took another one.

He glanced at it and remembered he had to give a certain scroll to Kisame.

He didn't wanted Zetzu to do it either, he didn't wanted him around at the moment, so, he asked him to keep out for the time being.

Focused in what he was doing, he went to fetch his teacup -that the little princess brought him earlier, sparing him to go make it himself - when he felt something chewing in his hand, between his index and thumb.

Startled by the baby like chew, Obito looked at it and found a cute pinkish ball, seemingly a harmless creature chewing his hand while absorbing small portion of his chakra all the while muttering "chuu, chuu."

Obito looked at it, then held it in a pinch from the swollen cheek while the creature was mumbling "chuu".

"Well, well, who do we have here?" Said Obito tilting his head to the side.

The creature let out a defeated sound with it's cute voice, before giggling happily when Obito held him like a ball in his hand, apparently tickling him.

"Who are you?"

The balled creature flew spinning on himself happily. "I am a Kuchiyose." He said, as though proud of being one. "Your chakra was delicious, Chuu took a little bite."

"Aha." Said Obito nodding with a grimace that told he understood sarcastically before giving the small creature a flicker that send him flying in a roll to the floor making him bounce against it to the wall and back to the floor like a small living ball.

Its eyes started rolling as imaginary planets started swirling around him.

Obito chuckled, feeling an urge to throw him again, he stood from his chair, fetching his mask and retrieved the small creature.


"Come on you have this. You can do it." Rin told Karin and Ei nodded. "Ei, you are next, so don't forget yourself."

Ei nodded sadly.

In this boring afternoon, they were chilling, so Rin proposed to do a Karaoke game testing their singing prowess.

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