Bonus (2): Foolish Scheme

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A/n: long chapter!

Many years ago:


"Well, then, I am going this way now, bye bye Obito!" Said Rin smiling and waving to the Uchiha who waved back.

She brought him a bento earlier when he was in the forest training alone and now that he was done, they left together.

He looked at her a moment, her beautiful perfect short hair, this face of her, he really loved her, but he still didn't found a way to confess his feeling.

Obito decided to go shopping before returning home, he had many stuffs missing lately, since his so loved grandma died, life has been difficult emotionally and physically.

Once he got to the super market, he remembered that his shampoo was almost over so he went to buy another, his usual one.

When he was gonna take it he touched it in the same time as someone else.

"Ehh....sorry you can take it." They said in the same time when Obito noticed that it was his sensei's wife, Kushina.

"Ah it's just you." Said Obito before receiving a punch in the head.

"Is it something you say to your onee-chan when you just met her-dattebane." She yelled her hair floating forming the kyuubi tail.

Obito complained holding his head in pain, tears stuck in his eyes.

They were a real noise in the market, when a passenger cleared his throat, they both shut it up.

"Anyway you can take the shampoo, you took it first!" Said Kushina gently.

"Ehh okay, thanks." Smiled the Uchiha, he took his shampoo and Kushina took the same.

"Hee? So you use the same shampoo as me?" Said the Uchiha grimacing.

"Are you stupid? This is obviously for for Minato."

"Minato-sensei? But Minato sensei use another shampoo, it's this one over there." Said Obito crossly.

Kushina knew more than anyone Minato's preferences, so how hell is she taking the wrong one.

Kushina chuckled scratching the back of her head.

"I have been discovered, yeah, actually the one over there is Minato's shampoo, but wait, wait, wait, how do you know what shampoo does he like?" Asked Kushina grimacing disgustingly.

"Don't go send me this look!" Obito yelled back, then a depressing aura fell on him. "That, blame it on bakakashi and his smelling abilities, because of that he can know everyone's shampoo or anything."

"Oh, so that was Kakashi."

"Because of him, you can't even burp without him realising what you ate, that's honestly disgusting." Complained the Uchiha.

"It must be troublesome for you guys." Said Kushina in comprehension. "But if he know everything you ate in your house I should prepare more food to send him some." Said the red haired woman thoughtfully.

"That's not the point!" Said the Uchiha loudly before sighing. "So, why are you buying the wrong shampoo?"

"Why are you curious?" Kushina smirked.

"I am not that curious," he sulked.

Kushina chuckled. "This, it's embarrassing-dattebane!" She said blushing while scratching her backhead.

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