Chapter 65~How It All Started

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Akito leaned tiredly against the wall, sliding down slowly, hating that she refused him. Hating that he once more lost to the same person.

Her hero? She had called him, that was a bit far fetched, he never considered that he had done so much for her, he wasn't even able to fully save her, she had to keep up alone, what she saw as his great achievement was his failure.

It could barely count as returning the favour for what she had done for him.

He closed his eyes and let himself fall in a sea of memories.

Flashback: 21 years ago

Akito was walking in the hospital, with his usual stern and too cold expression for his age, when someone bumped into him, he looked at the person.

It was a girl, average height, straight short brown chin-length hair, wearing a doctor blouse which seemed to be designed for children, she looked at the boy before pressing her palm together in an apologising posture with a smile, she seemed to be in a hurry.

'It's the girl of last time'

"Ah...Akito-san, I am sorry, I didn't see you," She said running away before stopping and looking back at him. "ah, look!" She smiled brightly pointing her Konoha headband with her forefinger.

Akito looked at her raising an eyebrow.

"I have just been promoted genin!" She said happily clapping her hand for herself.

"And what does that have to do with me?"

"We're nakama that's why I am telling you, ah! Sorry gotta go!" She hurried again running away not offended a bit.

'Why isn't she offended, usually that hurt people and they leave me alone.'

"We're in a hospital you are not supposed to run." He muttered to himself.

Rin was actually hurrying to the hospital gate where she perceived Obito from the window who brought an old woman here, she wanted to catch up to him before he leave.

********Another day

"Aki-chan!!" Rin said running to him.

"Chan??!!" Repeated the boy who really didn't like his nickname, it was all because of their annoying professor Dr in charge who was old and created weird surename for people, now he was stuck with this.

"Call me this again kid and you will regret it!" He threatened.

She apologised immediately. "It's because Kanzaki-sensei always call you this, it got stuck to my mouth, sorry." She seemed genuinely apologectic and he nodded. "I brought you a slice of the cake." She said raising a plate garnished with a chocolate cake.

"The cake?"

"Nanami-san celebrated her birthday today, we all decided to make a surprise party for her, remember I told you about it!"

"Oh that," he sighed. "I also do remember saying that I don't participate into stupid things."

"Oh.." her expression turned pouting as she put the cake on the table. "if Nanami-san heard you, she would be hurt," she said reasonably.


Rin sighed. "I will leave you be then." She was gonna leave when he spoke again.

"I won't eat it."

"Aki-chan, eh, sorry, I mean Akito-san, you work a lot and sweet increase the quantity of glucose in the body, giving you more energy, if you work this hard, you can collapse, you already look pale."

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