Chapter 44~The Unknown Lord

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Agitation reigned over the Castle, everyone had his head plunged in his own task, and it was safe to say there was no end to it.

Rin peeked her head inside the kitchen checking if the way was clear, but even if it wasn't no one was paying attetion to her as they were all busy preparing for the banquet, so she sneaked inside holding into her beautiful sofisticated kimono, since she was offered such a beautiful garnment, she decided to keep it once all this would be over and it would be a waste if she were to spoil it in dirt.

She looked around wondering if there was anything to eat, but before she could find anything a big well decorated strawberries cup called for her, Rin smiled and rushed to it, she held it while just in time dodging a running servant with a tray, she barely had the time to breath in relief when she dodged another missile servant.

She was kept all day -to do not say all week- by several woman; professional in beauty, Rin recognised one of them as the famous seamstress that designed many fashion magazines special for kunoichi, another one made her make up and another one took care of her hair tying it up in the side. She ended up wearing a princess like Kimono, the colour were beautiful too, and even her could only agree when they said she looked gorgeous as she loved the results.

'Who could believe it, that an unknow woman like me would look like a princess one day.' Rin thought glancing at her reflection in a glass of water.

Her skin was much softer now, but she especially liked the haircut, and mostly how flawless her face looked, the only problem was that, unlike princesses, her kimono's front revealed too much of her chest and that was quiet embarassing, so she was covering herself in a shawl.

Rin took a seat in the side of the kitchen, a young servant brought it to her, the men were particularly and unusually kinder to her today -who slacked her job a lot- and Rin felt embarassed a little by this excess of gentelmanhood, at least they were all too busy to stay with her.

She felt that maybe she really shouldn't have left her room as she was asked to, but her stomach howled so much she thought the Unknown Lord would hear it from his apartment.

The young woman was curious about him, that Unknow foreign Lord that caused so much fuss in her life this previous month, but alas, she was in her room being prepared and surrounded by multiples stylists, she pouted as she missed her oportunity to at least see how he looked like.

Rin ate another delicious red beautiful strawberry, while concidering putting the Lord into a genjustu were he to accept her, i mean she knew she looked particularly beautiful today.

She let all her worries slide off as she took another of those delicious fruit in her mouth. 'Oh God, how I love strawberries.'

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Yelled suddenly Yorika-san, the woman in charge of her conducts.

This last weeks, she was obliged to take etiquette lessons.

"I...I...I..." Rin tried to explain waving her hands in panic under the severe glare of the elder woman.

"Come with me immediately, our guest should expect you any time soon, we were looking for you everywhere." She ordered, her arms crossed against of her chest.

Rin quickly filled her mouth with as much strawberries as she possibly could before running to the elder woman and following her  out.

Once in the hallway, Yorika-san stopped walking and glanced at the young woman.

"The lord had arrived a while ago." She said. "We told you to wait in your room, why didn't you?"

Rin was still swallowing her fruits as she was hiding her mouth with her hand.

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