Chapter 7~Her Name

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"Moriyama Ayame?! A very cute name it mean the pretty eyes of the mountain's forest, but you took your time, I assume it is pretty hard to find a false identity." Answered Tobi with his previous tone.

His remark made the young woman panic, she started moving her arms awkwardly in negation, she had never been good at lying.

Proof, when she first started a new life in Hanashu, she decided to hide the fact she was a medical nin only to find herself one in the small village.

She always hated that she had to lie to Hanashu villagers about her name, and now Tobi have seen through her and she couldn't deny it.

"Indeed." She answered shyly, avoiding eye contact.

Even though Tobi was masked, so no eye contact.

Obito, him, was pretty amazed by her sincerity.

"Then who are you?" Asked the young man.

"Who I am?" Said Rin trying to quickly find a new name.

"Real name please, didn't you want to thank me for saving your life."

The sharp guy found a way to convince the kind girl.


'It's not like he know me anyway, I can still introduce myself as Rin.'

Decided, Rin closed her eyes and fist tightly before yelling her name.



They could hear a big explosion close by, it was so near that it provoked an earthquake, making Rin suspend her presentation and fall on Obito's lap who, him easily kept his balance.

"What is it!" She said hanging on the man's clothes to stand up and looked back avoiding to seem embarrassed about her fall.

Obito looked at the destroyed castle, he already knew what was going to happen, destroying this castle was the mission of Sasori and Deidara, well more exactly killing the lord in it but what can you except when Deidara is in charge of a mission.

Rin stood up on her feet and looked at the castle in shock.

"No way, the castle...."

Obito stood up after her as they looked at the burning castle from the forest.

Far away:

In the village hidden in the rain.

Pain who was sitting in the highest Amegakure tower just received the mission report from Sasori and Deidara by telepathy.

"We finished off the lord, he is dead! About the scroll we gave it to Tobi, before this weird friend of him show up!" Exclaimed Sasori with his Hiruko voice.

"Weird friend of him?" Asked Pain.

"Yes, a girl, I believe her name is Tony." Said the scorpion.

"I see, thank you for your mission, now I will give you your next assignment." Said Pain explaining the next mission.

The Bijuu hunting haven't started yet, so for now they were just earning money as a mercenary organisation.

Pain stood up getting inside the tower, where he was waited in by Konan.

"As excepted, Sasori and Deidara successfully killed the lord, we should receive the reward soon." He Said.

"What about the scroll?" Asked Konan.

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