Chapter 64~ Unrequited Love

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A/n: rewritten:

"Hee? Konohamaru-chan you ate all of this?" Asked an impressed Moegi.

He was telling them about the delicious foods he was served in the castle, as he sat cross legged facing his friends.

Konohamaru took long to come back, so, now they have booked a room

"Konohamaru-kun, did you at least gave the antidote to the girl you were looking for?" Asked Udon.

"Yes, I did, she already drank it, anyway, she was kind and even offered me many foods to take with me for the trip back. To be honest, she was pretty....strange no wonder she knew Naruto-niichan kore."

His friends looked at him with a frown.

"Anyway, we lost enough time like this, you must sleep, tomorrow first thing in the morning we set to Konoha." Told them Ebizu-sensei.

"Hay!" They all said.


Akito walked back to his room after a long tiring day, as he was absent during most of the Masked Lord's sojourn here, at his return he drowned under the tardive works.

The only moment he took for himself was yesterday when he went to talk to Rin, a total failure.

When he arrived by his room, he found Rin there, leaning against the wall, her hand behind her, smiling sympathetically at the guard who was telling her a story.

Of course they would tell her stories, she looked just gorgeous, Akito thought annoyed as he cleared his throat.

Alerted by his presence, the guard redressed, and Rin sent him a gentle greeting smile.

He hoped she would be angry instead, after yesterday.

His mood deflated as he saw her outfit, she wasn't wearing her working kimono, she was dressed in a simple black knees length skirt and a white high collared top.

She wasn't on her shift clothes and he had a faint idea of what she was gonna tell him.

He nodded to her to follow him inside after sending the guards a scolding look.

Rin walked behind him and he shut the door.

"I thought you were upset against me?" He said first.

Rin rose her eyebrows wondering for what kind of reason she would be upset, then remembered the stairs incident.

"Oh come on, it's not like you pushed me off stairs purposely."

Akito raised an eyebrow shocked then when he saw her smiling he understood she was joking and he shook his head and she chuckled.

"I brought you a basket of fruits, though I am guilty for handing the guards each a banana, but you still have one." She said raising the basket for him to see as she went to put it atop the table.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

Rin paused a long moment then looked at him.

"Akito, I came to tell you goodbye, I told you before that I needed to leave, and it took me quiet a time."

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