Chapter 43~ Fugitives Spotted

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It was a rainy day in the Castle of Takahiko Kaiji, Sakura prepared many vials of the poison she got from her fight against Sasori.

Rin concocted a strong Sleeping Pill, however she will keep the two just in case.

The awaited Lord should come in few days, Rin will try to gather as much informations possible about him, hoping it would give them a chance to have something against Kaiji.

Naruto, him wasn't very useful in concocting poison or anything so he only watched in boredom.

They told him that Rin needed something against Kaiji without entering too much into details.

Akito, him, told Kaiji that Rin accepted, and asked him to be clement, according to Kaiji, the Unknown Lord (the nickname of the awaited lord) doesn't usually take woman or man.

Kaiji only wanted to give him a woman as a shown of respect and great friendship, (in Kaiji's head it was seen as such) so the Unknown Lord will get that Kaiji has good taste in woman, he himself was sure that the Unknown Lord will reject any woman though, so it should be okay for her.

Akito wasn't so sure, Rin was one of the most beautiful woman he ever saw, even in his environment where lived only the cream of the society, she had some charm unique to herself.


Naruto was walking alone in the old Japanese castle corridor, Sakura and Rin decided to sneak in the big bathroom reserved for personalities.

It was late in the night. "Aghh it's so boring to just watch them talking about things as annoying as poison, medicinal plant..." He said to himself bored, his hand in his pocket when suddenly the wood started moving, creating a wooden cage for the Uzumaki who was looking right and left in panic.

"This Jutsu?" Said Naruto recognising Yamato's Mokuton no jutsu.

"Naruto, I would rather have you not run away." Said Yamato appearing suddenly before the Uzumaki.

"Captain Yamato!" Said Naruto normally with a wide smile.

"Well...well no need to do that....I don't think Naruto is gonna run away, plus we are in the Mansion of the cousin of the Feodal Lord, better not show up, Right?" Said Kakashi with his usual bored tone, his hands on his pockets.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Said Naruto with another wide smile in an excited tone.

"Yo!" Said Kakashi saluting Naruto.

Yamato shrugged before releasing Naruto who laughed awkwardly before running to the two Jonin happily. "What are you doing here guys?"

"Tsunade-sama sent us to take you back to the village." Said Kakashi where Naruto swore that he could have heard the opera music behind him picturing the old hag.

He tried to run away but he has been caught immediately.

"Kakashi-sensei, you have a plan to explain to Tsunade no baa-chan right?" Naruto asked with a funny anxiousness.

Kakashi scratched the back of his head. "Ten days out of the village is a bit too much for me to take." He said with a laugh and Naruto trembled in fear in an imitation of "le cri".

Sakura, who forgot her washing bag, was going to look for it when she was witnessed by her sensei and friend, and she was immediately caught too.

The sensei asked them what happened and how did they found themselves here.

Naruto told them everything about how they were cheering a friend up and they fell into the ravine on an annoying lord avoiding to add Rin to the details, Sakura looked at him confused, why didn't he talk about her, even if Kakashi or Yamato were to know she was a nukenin, they would understand and even give her a chance to come back, she didn't get it but she decided to believe in Naruto.

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