Chapter 92~ Wild Waves

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"Agh, that's terrible." Complained Jun as he took the last bite of his spinach pie, it was his favourite pie, but it tasted so bad. "Rin, did you cook it?"

Rin who was savouring her cherry and chocolate flavoured ice-cream turned to him with a reprimanding look. "What do you mean, Rin did you cook it? I improved in cooking a lot."

"Is it eatable now?" He asked.


Jun sighed and looked at her Ice-cream. "Why didn't you bring me one as well."

"You said you wanted a spinach pie." Rin said surprised.

"Well, yes...buuuut...i could have ate the two."

Rin twitched her lips in a pout. "Don't you think you are profiting of my generosity a little bit too much?"

"You promised to make it up for me, and I am still angry at you for stealing that ring away from me."

"I didn't steal anything from you Jun, you 'borrowed' permanently the ring of a lady in the upper class, I returned it to her discreetly, I don't even know why you are upset."

"Without my consent." He told her upset.

"Jun." Rin said reasonably. "I heard that woman saying that it was the last memory she had of her mother."

"The last memory she had of her mother." Jun mimicked her. "They all say that."

Rin looked at him for a moment and even when she knew what she did was the right thing, her heart softened as she disliked seeing him upset. "Alright, you can take mine, you know I don't have enough money." She said handing him her ice cream cup.

"With your spoon?" He asked with a smirk and Rin rolled her eyes.

"I brought a second spoon with me in case you would want to share with me." She said and Jun smiled taking the cup.

"I am still for the sharing." Rin said and they laughed together.

Not that it was time for Icecream, since this morning the weather became rough and hard, obviously the deck was forbidden to access because of it, as it was blowing gale the whole day.

The ship took a slower pace and by nighttime, it was fighting its way against the oppressing waves, but at least calmer than the day, even if it threatened a storm late at night.

As forbidden as it was, Jun had convinced Rin to accompany him to the deck where they sat hidden within an unused lower crow's nest, a part of the glass of its window was broken, so they had to plug it with Jun's vest to stop the gale from disturbing their little seat.

Not that it was the best seat in the world, but a long time in the sea had taught them worse than this.

"Jun." Rin told him out of the blue.


"Thank you." She smiled.

He grimaced arching an eyebrow.

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