Chapter 22~Unmasked

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Tobi was holding his mask; which mean he was not wearing one.

He sat down crossing his legs, his back to the young woman.

"Go on, rest, I am not looking at you, you still need to rest and heal those scratches of yours." He said amusement visible in his voice.

Even though, he was quiet surprised he didn't expected her to move on from her previous state this quickly, but he felt the air getting lighter.

Rin's shocked face turned to a wide grin.

She walked toward him when the door opened and the silhouette she had seen before appeared, it was an old woman.

"Ah! You find her?!" She started before stopping a bit surprised seeing Tobi's face.

'What? This woman can and not me?'

Rin ran toward the man super curious.

And just when she turned to face him, he put quickly but not harshly his mask on her face hiding the hole on the right eye with the hand he was holding the mask with.

Rin tried to free herself and see his face but he didn't let her.

'When did he brought the mask, I was sure he had put it away.' Rin thought trying to move away but Obito held her by the waist with his other hand.

"You shouldn't move too much, and why didn't you use your medical ninjutsu to heal those wounds."

"I am perfectly fine," Rin said emphasizing each word as she was making a lot of effort to escape his hold.

"When I entered the room I didn't found her, I was scared something might have happened to her." Said the old woman not caring about Rin's bashful struggle with Tobi.

'Oh my, just when I saw his profile from back he seemed handsome as hell, I wanna see his face'

He then pushed her behind him softly but with enough force to keep her away, she was able to move his mask a little, but damn, she was behind him.

"Stop teasing me and let me see your face, this is getting childish."

Obito chuckled. "Exactly."

"Shall we get her something to eat?" Asked the old woman.

In normal time, Rin would have acted much more politely and respectfully in front of an old woman, but her curiousity was devouring her from the inside, I mean she even forgot her trauma.

"Yes, please." He said. "Anything you want?" He asked barely turning to the young woman struggling behind him against his arm as he held captive in his embrace.

"Yea, only one thing!" Rin answered able to throw that mask of his on the floor while looking, gazing, focussing on his face.

She heard him chuckle shaking his head. "And how about strawberries for desert?" He asked joyfully when a so damn little side of his face have turned to her.

The word strawberries, yes, attracted her attention, but for the first time on her life, half attention. The other attention was sent to his joyful tone.

"S-strawberries?" She said struggling to see his face while he kept turning around and around.

Obito chuckled again, and asked for a vegetables soup and strawberries for her but nothing for himself.

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