Bonus (3): A Day With Team Seven(1)

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~~People Worth Knowing ~~

That was another peaceful beautiful morning in the village Hidden in the Leaf.

Uzumaki Naruto, aged of 12, woke up tiredly still yawning to the sound of that stupid alarm cloak.

He had to meet his team for another D-rank mission.

Going to the his kitchen, he served himself his breakfast barely awake, he checked on the milk, since that story in the team setting he always checked milks, and he was right it had expired.

He sighed annoyed before eating his toast tiredly.

He finally wore his orange famous uniform, his headband before doing some morning exercise and leaving his house, closing the door behind him.

"Yosha!!! Uzumaki Naruto in another day closer to Hokage-Dattebayo!!!" He said loudly for a good day opening.


He quickly headed to the small bridge where he should meet with his team, he was preparing himself to wish his usual 'good morning' to Sakura when he noticed that Sasuke was the only one there.


The two boys glared at each other as good morning.

"Humph!" They said in unison turning each one to a side.

They were waiting for their sensei and other teammate to arrive but oddly Sakura was late, that was usual for Kakashi but Sakura, she usually came early, sometime, to avoid to come late, she even come with unbrushed hair.

After a long wait Sakura arrived, her teammates looked at her weirdly, she didn't came running wishing a joyfully good morning to Sasuke as usual, she came normally head down with a depressing aura on her, sighing.

"Sakura-chan!! Good morning!!" Said Naruto joyfully.

_"Morning." Wished Sakura with no much energy.

Sasuke and Naruto looked at each other before looking at her again.

She didn't even bother to hang into Sasuke or to wish him a good morning, she didn't even shot him a glance, she was just in her side with a depressing aura.

That was weird, someone as cheerful as Haruno Sakura so down, that was definitely odd, she doesn't even feel so depressed with Sasuke's unfinite rejection.

"Sakura-chan, are you okay?" Asked Naruto visibly worried.

"I'm fine..." She said spacing out.

'She is weird.' Sasuke thought.

Naruto was jumping right and left trying to make her smile or even react like punching him, and she did reacted, punching him -not hardly at all- while he was doing stupid things.

Sasuke and Naruto thought that she was better now but that soon disappeared as she felt depressed again.

'What's with her today.' Thought Sasuke.

Naruto tried to cheer her on but nothing, that was a long try since it took Kakashi literally three hours to come.

"YOU'RE LATE!!!!" Screamed Naruto.

Kakashi noticed that the usual second screamer was absent in the complaining.

"Yo, Sakura!"

"Ohayo Kakashi-sensei." She said simply.

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