Chapter 63~ The Weight of Guilt

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It took Rin a whole day to finally give up on looking for Obito everywhere, even when Kaiji had told her that he had left the place.

She found herself sitting in the cold stairs of the garden, shivering from a mixture of cold and hastiness, pondering over the thousands things she should have done and she didn't.

She was never the type to dwell in regret, what happened happened, it can not be helped, what's important is that one focus on the future, that's one lesson she thought she learned from Minato in the past, she was sure she had assimilated it and yet.

"Here you are, I was told you caused a ruckus today, Dakota had made you wanted." Said Akito with a side smile showing his dimple going down stairs to stand next to her.

"Akito," said Rin, her breath forming a little cloud due to the cold weather.

He smiled. "You're gonna catch a cold."

"I was looking for the Lord, he forgot something important when he left, I hoped to return it to him."

Akito looked at her surprised. "Really? What is it?"

Rin chuckled dryly. "Me." She told him simply, before looking at him, doing her best to do not show any pity and sorrow in her eyes, Akito deserved much more than just pity.

"Rin, you..."

She had thought about this a lot, and it was the right thing to do.

Akito's jaw tightened, he seemed suddenly angry, then he smiled sardonically. "Rin, can you hear yourself? You are not gonna tell me you fell for a Lord, someone who treat you like the dirt in his shoes,"

"This man is different," she said calmly looking forth again.

"Different? There is no such things as different lord, the fact this man is a ninja only make him more dangerous, those people will control your life as if they own you, they will want you to talk, sit, behave, breath and even think as they want you to, is that what you want?"

Rin opened her mouth to talk back but Akito spoke faster.

"When you went away from him, didn't he brought you back, just to satisfy his own pure Lord ego, making you understand how low you are, how your choices did not matter as long as he chose otherwise."

Rin sighed, "you don't have to worry for that, he cares for me, he loves me."

"He told you so? He did? That's defintely a lie." He said hotly.

Rin arched an eyebrow at his sudden raising temper. "Akito, you don't even know him, so-"

"You are mistaken, I know him, maybe even better than you."

Rin looked at him.

"I mean come on, if you were a little bit important to him, he would have at least took the time to tell you Goodbye."

Rin looked away, a neutral and empty expression decorating her beautiful face.

"Don't look away from reality." He told her with a severe look, his voice reasoning.

"Akito, are you scolding me?" Rin teased amused.

Akito let out a long sigh.

"I love him too." She said, hating to see the hurt in Akito's eyes when it widened at her revelation.

She had to bit the inside of her cheek to avoid to say a single word that would only cause this awkward situation to get worse.

What the hell with her and awkward situations lately?

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