Chapter 30~<3 That Boyfriend <3

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Shocked wasn't enough to describe how Miya felt.

Rin, wiped her tears away, repeating the informations in her head and swallowing the lot.

'The Akatsuki turned from a mercenary organisation to terrorist, Tobi work for them but he also have a link with fourth Mizukage who was sanbi's Jinchuriki and may have a link with my possible murder, they are chasing Bijuu and attacked a Kage, they fought a Kage and two of their members died fighting Kakashi, my old friend and his new team. Go for it Kakashi, you're the best.'

A long silence took place took where nor Rin neither Miya said a word.

Rin sighed.


She got hit by Miya on her head.

"Ouch!!" Said Rin holding her head caressing it hoping to decrease the pain, she don't remember she was hit before.

"You idiot, sighing is all you got to do  when you realise you've been dating a masked Akatsuki of whom you know nothing, for all we know he could be using you."

"Using me for what? Healing the poor Jinchuriki he catch?" Rin shrugged her arms disappointed.

Miya laughed.  "I can't believe you are dating an Akatsuki."

"Yea, me too." Said Rin sadly. "Why does it have to happen to me?"

"Yeah, it should have happened to me, I mean dating an Akatsuki is so cool." Said Miya with a depressing aura too.

"Yeah!" Agreed Rin before realising what just said Miya. "What?! No! It's not cool at all, I mean he is a terrorist, those People terrorise what little of peace we have now. They are criminal and if they reached the Jinchuriki just imagine how many people they killed in the way, plus if I follow you and they chase Bijuu, my dear boyfriend will eventually attack all my old nakama in the Leaf." Said Rin.

"Oh dear, you are still too naive, that's because you think like that, that I said it should have happened to me." Said Miya sulking.

Rin looked at her then sighed exasperated.

Rin had always felt sadness and pain in Tobi, and eventually kindness, so she believed in him, why was he doing this? Why?

A depressed and a black aura fell on her. If she felt she knew him she was wrong on a pretty long list, she still didn't knew that boyfriend of her.

"I am leaving!" Said Rin with a watered childish eyes and depressing aura. Why does the weirdest people hit on her.

Now that Obito is dead, she will never find love again. Just when she started to think that it may have been Obito who made her meet Tobi. After all she would had never talked to Tobi if she didn't resembled him to Obito.

"Ah one last thing before you go crying Kana, just so you cry for once." Said Miya.

"What?!" Asked Rin with a depressing aura.

"The last mouth, your old nakama as you call them, Sarutobi Asuma died." She said under the shocked face of the Nohara.

Rin's eyes widened and her jaw dropped wide open

'Asuma is dead?!'

Somewhere else!

"Senpai!!" Said Obito with his Tobi tone to Deidara._"so we are gonna look for the bijuu now?!" Asked Obito roleplaying Tobi.

"Un." Affirmed the blonde Akatsuki guy.

"Tobi is excited, it will be his first Bijuu captured hihihihihi!" He said laughing out.

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