Chapter 46~Wasted Dinner

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The moment the door closed behind Akito, silence ruled over the room, and Rin felt her heart tightening with a mixture of fear, anticipation and anxiousness.

Obito let go of her and walked few steps ahead, giving her his back.

Rin breathed in and out, quieter than a mouse, feeling like this whole situation was standing on straws.

Her first priority was to keep calm and find a civilised way to handle this.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!!!" Yelled suddenly the masked man as he turned arbitrarily towards her and held both her arms.

Rin was startled as she watched him with wide eyes and parted lips.

"Is this the only place in the world you find to work in? And what's with those clothes of yours, it's awful." He said venomously.

Rin was shocked, why was he yelling at her? Or scolding her? Beside, She didn't do anything wrong...and he found her awful, if so, why did he chose her?

Rin barely had time to formulate a coherent phrase that he spoke again.

"How much time did you do it?" He asked angrily.


"How much time did you do it with him?" He asked again through barred teeth, tightening his clench over her shoulders.

"What?" Rin asked confused. She was completely in the blank, she wasn't used to man, but this one was beyond comprehension.

His hold over her was wining in strength by the second, and nervousness was taking the best of her. There was man who liked hurting their women, and she honestly hoped this wasn't one of them.

Yes, she may have acted out of etiquette a while ago, but this guy has been weird since the beginning, so there was no reason for him to act this harshly.

"I am talking to you, don't go spacing around now." He yelled outloud suddenly startling her.

'How did he knows anyways I was on my thoughts.'

"Sir...?" She started but had no words to add as her mind was blank.

"I am asking you, if you did sleep with him?" He asked angrily, his Sharingan on.

"Sir, I don't understand the purpose of your question?" She asked as fear started to be visible in her face.

"DID YOU SLEEP WITH HIM?" he yelled.

Now, she was sure he was from those who like to beat their women, this was even worst than what she thought, at least she had her vial of poison ready. On a fight she obviously would be disadvantageous.

"Sir!" She yelled reasonably trying to master some calm over the situation, if she was nervous, she will lose the sight of things and ruin whatever chances of escape she had.

He didn't let go.

"Sir! Listen to me. I don't do this kind of thing, if you are looking for a woman to beat, then I am not made for that."

"What?" He asked confused before realising what she was talking about. "I am not like this! Ugh." He said irritated. "I am asking if you have slept with him?"

"SIR, let go of me, please! You are hurting me." She yelled closing her eyes, and swiftly pulling her poison syringe down her kimono sleeve.

At the moment, he was so angry he wasn't on his guard, if she was fast enough she could actually land him a killing hit, this poison is so strong, she can hit him anywhere, but something held her from striking just yet.

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