Chapter 34~ Obito's Wish

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Little PS: hey guys! I really like the Obito and Rin picture up, I suggest you guys to take a little look at it.


"I've heard you!" Rin said while raising her head to look at the Uchiha, she had a light redness in her cheeks, she was still embarrassed by his little kiss.

Again, he found himself lost in her smile, when people smile, their face become brighter, but when Rin does it spread peacefulness, even in the most awkward, awful situation, her smile inspired peace.

Obito treasured that smile.

"So, you are not mad at me anymore?" He asked.

Rin stood up and took place in front of Obito, sitting down on her knees, giving him a confused look, probably forgetting they had a fight just a while ago.

"Of course I am." She said looking straight into his eyes after a moment.

Obito looked at her.

"But what can I do?" She sighed. "I mean how long will I be able to stay mad at you." She shrugged like if it was obvious.

Obito's eyes widened in surprise, he couldn't contain the smile on his lips to form itself.

"But..still..." She said looking away, her eyes holding sadness.

'I guess she have many questions, especially now that she knows I am an Akatsuki, I am impressed she have heard of us though.'

"I guess you have many questions." He said.

"Yes, but right now, only one."

Obito looked at her waiting for this question, she sighed as if gathering courage then looked at him confidently.

"Have you ever thought of telling me?" She asked her grey orbs looking straight into his eyes.

Obito's face filled with sadness, did he ever wanted to tell her? Yes of course, every night, everyday, every moment they spent together he wanted to tell her.

"I have thought of telling you everyday." He sincerely said with sadness.

She didn't give him any answer, she just looked up thoughtful, as always nobody can tell what she is thinking about.

She stood up again, sitting next to Obito, linking their shoulders, hugging her knees.

For a moment, none of them uttered a word.

All they could hear of each other was their breath, as if it was an ultimate proof that none of them have died.

That both of them were alive.

'The hopeless fool I was survived from being crushed alive under the rocks and was alive all those years. The clever Kunoichi she was survived from being stricken by the Chidori and being the three tail Jinchuriki and was alive all those years.' Obito chuckled to himself, Rin peered at him.

Staying like that reminded him of the time they used to spend together, they used to chat about random stuff, Obito would always bring a funny story up, and she would always listen to him until the end while smiling, laughing or even teasing him, but never ever she had seemed annoyed by his stories.

Today, there was no story to tell, nothing to laugh about, but they were both sitting beside each others.

Many things happened since then but they found eachothers.

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