Chapter 21~No More Fear

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Rin was running inside an endless dark long corridor, her thirteen years old feets were slow, she was dressed in her usual ninja attire, chased away by multiple Anbu, or just masked peoples.

'I hate mask. I hate them the most.'

Finally when she had thought she reached the exit, she found a girl who looked exactly like her, except that she had a boyish haircut and wore nothing but a torn white dress tainted with blood.

'This girl is me.' Rin thought.

That other girl, despite looking like her was nothing like her, she was knelt down hugging her knees and crying in despair.

Saddened by this slightly older version of herself in front of her, Rin reached out to her but she couldn't, she seemed to be just few feets away and yet no matter how Rin walked or run to her, she couldn't reach her.

Until the floor under the depressed Rin's feet scattered, the normal Rin called for her, called for this depressed lonely soul, but she couldn't hear her and was swallowed down into a black hole.

Then suddenly she felt a presence behind her and when she turned she found Seto, the main surgeon, and by far the cruelest.

"You have always helped people, stood with them when they needed you, healed a numerous number of them, it's pathetic, isn't it?!! and now that you need them the most, you find yourself alone, I am sure if you ever leave this prison, you will understand how much no one remember your name anymore." He exclaimed with a smirk.

"LIAR!" Rin yelled, 'it's because he hided my existence that they didn't help me.' she wanted to say but her voice was muffled.

"Now, it's sure nobody remember you anymore, Rin is just a part of the past that will never came back, you are destined to live a life of nightmare, where you always have to run away. All the people who ever called you by that name are just a memory!" Said Seto again.

"No!" Rin screamed in agony, but Seto wasn't there anymore.

Flashes of the peoples she knew appeared in her head.

They were speaking to her, Rin was waiting for them to say her name only to hear them say "Ayame." Or other identities she herself, had given.

"Miwa, Kana, Yukako, Misaki, Yuzu, Hana..."

Even Kakashi had called her by that name.

"You gave them that name, you, yourself wanted this!" Said Seto again.

"No, no, no, no!" Rin kept saying hiding her face in her palms.

Kneeling down and hiding her face in her hands was all she could do against her incapability to stop or call those peoples, those peoples who were once a part of her life, she called them, but her voice was no more.

Soon, Nohara Rin, that simple girl who used to be her will disappear as well and maybe will come a day where, even she, would forget her own name.

'I don't wanna disappear.' her voice cracked.

"My name is not Ayame, please someone hear me!"

"You were the one who gave us that name! You did it, thus nobody can hear you!" Said her younger self looking at her with emotionless eyes.

"Moriyama Ayame?! A very cute name, it means the pretty eyes of the mountain's forest, but you took your time, I assume it is pretty hard to find a false identity." Said Tobi.

Rin's eyes widened not believing what she just heard, from that darkened hole where she camouflaged herself, someone actually heard her cry.

'He heard me.'

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