Chapter 54~ Seeking the Truth

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A/n: hey guys, in the picture up, what's ur favourite Obirin picture?


Rin went to help Yuri treat her wound, it was deeper than it seemed.

When she was done placing a plaster in her her forehead, Yuri giggled.

"What is so funny about getting yourself hurt?" Rin asked with a light tone.

"It's the first time in my life I haven't been punished for my stupidity, even my parents were strict." Yuri said swinging her head left and right.

Rin smiled, "then you should go rest a little, it will be our little secret."

"Really?" Yuri stood to her feet taking Rin's hands in hers where the Kunoichi nodded.

"Yatta!" The blond jumped, rising her arms up happily before going to town as there was something she wanted to buy but she was so clumsy she had no day off.

Rin smiled at her enthusiasm as she wished her a good day before going to fold some clean blankets while thinking of the Masked Lord.

'knows how I feel, he said?' Rin thought.

He was very kind with Yuri, at first Rin thought that he was kind only to her concidering how he broke Akito's hand.

She thought that it was because they may know each others, but it wasn't the case, as he was kind to Yuri too.

So, they may knows each others but maybe they weren't close, Rin was dying to know.

But now that she think it over, this man was supplying himself with weapons, Rin doubted she would come to know a lord like that in that foggy memory of hers.

But again, he wasn't your average kind of Lords.

Rin wanted to apologise but he wouldn't listen, again she didn't listen either when he wanted do what anyway, maybe talk.

Whatever, he completely skipped her question about the fact if they knew each others.

"Wait!" Rin said panicked rising to her feet. "I completely forgot about the pieces of the broken vase, and the ladder!" She said to herself before rushing to the Lord's room.


'I will try to enter quietly so he wouldn't notice...'

Rin knocked in the door quietly, hoping he won't hear and she would just say she thought the room was empty or if he is in the office he wouldn't know.

"Come in," She heard him from inside.

'Ugh.' Thought Rin crouching in a kneeling position to slide the door open as proper etiquette requested.

"My Lord, excuse me to interrupt you, but due to my incompetence and lacking, I dread I forgot to throw the pieces of the vase and to take the ladder out." She said bowing down.

"I already threw them away." He answered, his back to her, he was sitting on the low office table scribing something.

"Even the ladder?" Rin asked.

He stopped scribing, still not looking at her and Rin bowed her head. "I seek your forgiveness." She said about to leave then thought that it was a marvelous opportunity to ask him.

"My Lord, forgive me but I know you, right?" Rin started, her heart beating fast and her blood rushing through her veins.

Obito didn't answer.

"Last time, when I took your cloak, I recognised your smell," Rin said fighting the blush back, "and the way you spoke to me when we first meet, you know me right, I have a memory lose, so I don't know if we meet before, I could have ignored you about this gap,"

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