Chapter 31~ Storm after the Calm

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Rin had decided to find this Yukimaru guy or girl, and to warn him of the danger of the Akatsuki organisation, where worked her dear loving boyfriend, Tobi.

And sadly the word 'boyfriend' end with 'e.n.d' like 'end' which -she sadly feared- was happening to them.

'I'll try to avoid fighting as much as possible,' Thought Rin. The young kunoichi doesn't like fighting much, wether she was stronger or weaker than her enemies, she just didn't enjoyed that art.

Jumping from a tree to another, she got her objective straight, she was here to warn this Yukimaru of the danger of the Akatsuki if he was not caught yet, and to gather some informations about Yondaime Mizukage, Yagura.

The only person who can answer her questions is none other than Sanbi himself, but does Bijuu talk anyways with someone other than their Jinchuriki.

She was one of his former Jinchuriki, so Sanbi may be kind enough to answer her questions.

"Sanbi, do you remember me, I was your Jinchuriki about seventeen years ago?" She imagined herself telling the Beast.

"Seventeen years ago?" The Beast told her. "You're the girl who got me killed after only few hours? I am glad you're alive, now I can kill you myself." She imagined it answering.

Rin chuckled grimly to herself. 'There is no way he will answer my questions.'

Before she died, Rin had the chance to speak to him, back then, the young girl she was feared him, but today when she remembered him, Rin thought that he was kinda nice to her actually.

Flashback: Rin and Sanbi:

Nohara Rin was a kunoichi from Konohagakure no satou, a full fledged medical ninja and a chūnin.

In a mission against the village hidden in the mist, she saw herself forced to became a jinchuriki.

The mist shinobi made sure she wouldn't realise anything for them to release the beast within Konoha.

Unfortunately for them, Rin realised, but more than feeling only sanbi in her, she felt something even darker.

A jouin.

At a certain point, Rin realised that the only way to take off the jouin in her was to die and not by her hand but by someone else's, a special someone else who had an attack capable to destroy the chest completely.

Taken aback by the realisation of her coming death, Rin stopped by a tree, thinking of another way, there must be another way. There always was another way.

She knew she didn't had many time to even think of a plan, but she just couldn't conceive to die immediately.

Maybe she was just imagining it, maybe it wasn't the Three Tail in her. She tried to convince herself.

She sighed and concentrated her chakra to meet her Bijuu, praying with her all her heart that she won't meet anyone, that it was just an illusion.

But reality hit hard, when She opened her eyes to face the biggest creature she had ever seen in her whole life, a chakra beast.

Sanbi resembled a large turtle, but with a crab-like shell, spikes all over its body, and three shrimp-like tails. Under its shell, it has red, muscle-like tissue with a pair of human-like arms and hands, but no hind-legs. Its face was concealed between a large forehead and lower jaw - both of which have spikes. Its eyes are red and have crimson pupils

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