Chapter 39~ Trouble

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In Konohagakure:

Kakashi, Yamato, Sai, team 8, team 10 and team Gai were all standing in front of Tsunade in the Hokage's office.

"NANI?" she yelled angrily as Kakashi shrugged. "you don't know where Naruto and Sakura are, Kakashi you were supposed to keep an eye on them!" Yelled Tsunade.

"Ahahaha.." Laughed awkwardly Kakashi while scratching the back of his head.

"We had them in check just before but when the race started they disappeared." Said Yamato explaining the situation, he surely took this more seriously than the lazy sensei of team seven.

"Excuse me," Started Rock Lee politely. "I think I have seen them going away in the opposite direction of the village."

"Maybe, they went to play a game." Said Sai with his classic -fake- smile.

He is trying every day harder to improve it.

"Naruto and Sakura aren't children anymore." Said Shizune.

Kakashi looked up to the ceiling, indeed his students may have grown up outside, but inside they were still very childish.

"Anyway, Naruto is the kyuubi's jinchuriki we can't just let him go without anyone, especially that the Akatsuki are after him." Said seriously Shizune.

"No need to bother, they will come back quickly, plus I don't think they are in danger." Said Kakashi trying to calm the Godaime, his intuitions were stronger than anybody's, he knew for sure his students were fine.

"GO NOW!!" screamed the Fifth referring to Kakashi and Yamato.

The truth was that she, as well, had the intuition they were fine, Hokage those days count a lot on their intuitions, she was just worried they would cause problems.

***At the gate of the village ***

"Senpai, You think they are alright?" Asked Yamato.

"Ehh..?" Said Kakashi unconcerned before realising what was Yamato talking about. "Yeah probably." Smiled the Hatake, he just wished his clumsy students didn't do anything problematic.

In the ravine:

Were standing the shocked Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura and Nohara Rin in front of the broken palanquin from where the feodal lord's cousin: Takahiko Kaiji (introduced him Rin as such since she saw him one time in a book of personalities) was laying in the ground, blood spilling from his head.

The lightening was visible behind them as the clouds started to gather in the now grey sky.

"If she find out about this....." Said Sakura shocked, sweat dropping down her face.

"She is gonna kill us." Added an even more shocked Naruto.

The image of an angry Tsunade knowing the truth appeared in their head while they both heard the background opera music.

They both hugged each other shaking screaming "kyaaa" even Naruto.

"Is he dead?" Sakura asked and Naruto crouched next to him holding his hand in tears.

"I am so sorry Ojii-san, I am so sorry." He said as cascade of tears fell from his eyes.

"Wait, he may be still alive," Said Rin approaching the lord when this last opened his eyes at once scaring the hell out of her.

"Kyaaa!" She screamed hitting the head of the lord against the ground by reflex before realising what she had done. "Gomenassai!" She said in panic.

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