Chapter 26~My first Boyfriend

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Four month have passed since Rin started living in the Minka and since she decided to figure out stuffs about the masked man, and guess what: she didn't do anything, all she knew were random things about his personal likes or dislikes, which was the most important things for her actually.

The stuffs she had investigated about in top priority.

For example, he liked cakes and sweets, his hobby was accompanying his senpai, a guy named Deidara, about whom he didn't drop a single word, he enjoyed fishing...

His chakra type was fire, and he was kind enough to teach her the Great Fireball Technique, a Jutsu she liked a lot.

Well, beside this, Rin tried looking for him, but he practically doesn't exist.

Since then, Tobi was coming more often, they spent a lot of times together, and they had became much more closer, he was taking a dangerous big place in Rin's heart.

Obito was the only person who had that much effect on her before, so spending time with Tobi made her remember Obito sometimes. The two of them had many common points, on their likes and stuff but she didn't wanted to hurt Tobi's feeling, so she never mentioned it, any crush would be hurt if they are resembled with an old love.

Still Tobi didn't took his mask off in front of her again, but Rin had tried to take it off herself at multiple times, where he always stopped her.

They also hugged many times, but never further, the first time they hugged was one time after he came back from work.


It had been awhile since Tobi didn't visit, Rin was asleep in her bed, when the man arrived going to his room, which was pretty far from the woman's.

Rin, who woke up and couldn't go back to sleep had decided to take a walk around the house, when she felt that maybe Tobi was close by.

Another thing he had in common with Obito, she could feel both of them.

She went to him, she was wearing her sleeping gown and covered in a shawl wrapped around her shoulders as her front was a bit opened.

_"Tobi?" She asked, he looked at her, surprised, or so she guesseed, "What are you doing here?" He asked.

_"I heard you coming..?" She said confused, not knowing herself why she came here.

Silence took place making the situation awkward, they weren't that close back then.

_"You should go back to sleep, I just passed today. I'll leave soon."

She looked at him, he seemed so down. "What's wrong? You seem tired, did something happened?"

_"I am fine!" He said coldly. Now he only wanted to push her away and she just couldn't leave him, not when he had been so present for her when she needed him, she walked toward him and hugged him tightly feeling him tensing in her arms.

_"It's fine, you can tell me anything, but if you don't wanna tell, then I am okay too, but let us just stay like that for awhile, okay?" She said softly hugging him with all her strength.

Honestly, Rin had acted without really thinking, she just did what her heart dicted her to do.

Tobi didn't made a single move for a long while, it was a one sided hug but Rin still didn't let go. Then she felt his arms tightly around her which carried her a little, since she was way shorter than him.

_"Umm!" He whispered quietly.

Work pressure usually tire the mightiest shinobi, especially those who walk in the deepest darkness.

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