Chapter 23~Rin

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"Poisoned? Me?!!" She asked shocked.

"It was a miracle you survived, have you already been immunised against poison?"

"No..., yes, I think so!" Rin said vaguely.

She had been more than immunised against poisons, and yet one actually worked on her, it must be a new drug.


"Anyway, so I didn't di-" she started before stopping suddenly. "I was sleeping whole week?"

Obito eyed her suspiciously. "Yes, you were extremely tired."

As only answer she smiled in relief.

"What's so relieving about being poisoned and sleeping a whole week?" He asked sternly.

"No-nothing at all!" She said nervously waving her hands.

"How did you get poisoned? Do you realise someone had tried to kill you?" He asked angrily. "You are too careless, you could have died if I wasn't there, you are a medical ninja, right? How come you didn't notice the poison?" He scolded.

Rin was a bit annoyed by his tone, but she decided to drop it for now since he was concerned about her.

"I should have noticed." She admitted.

"Who did it? You must have an idea about who could have done it?" He asked.

Obito needed to know who the hell wanted to kill Rin, he/she will not get out undamaged.

Rin, for once wasn't sure about her assailant, she may have been careless in the end, but she was nevertheless prudent and always on her guard, she hasn't been stung by anything on her walk, and she was already starting to feel sick, so she must have been poisoned at that restaurant.

What was worrisome was that she was sure there was no Roots Shinobi there, and no one that was susceptible to work with them, she was way too experienced in recognising them.

Then that can only mean that whoever poisoned her didn't belonged to this organisation, then who? No one was supposed to know anything about her, a new foe?

All that was mere speculations, nothing was sure yet, and either it was the Roots or not, she was not gonna tell Tobi, she loved Konoha too much, she didn't wanted Tobi to get a wrong idea about them, they were warm and kind, she would never ruin their image.

Danzo was not Konoha, neither could he ever represent it.

And even if it wasn't them, this would only lead him to ask further questions.

"I think I know, but that doesn't matter!" She finally said.

"IT MATTER!" He yelled suddenly startling the young woman.

"Why are you so concerned about me?" She asked in a surprised chuckle.

He decided to do not answer, not waiting for his reply anymore, Rin used her medical ninjutsu to inspect her body.

"The poison have completely disappeared. You were the one who healed me? Thank you!" She smiled.

"Who poisoned you?" He insisted authoritatively.

"Someone who doesn't have anything better to do with his time probably!" She joked.

"I am helping you, the least you can do is to tell who put you on that state." He said with a voice to freeze ice.

Rin looked where he was for a moment, she could tell he was angry and she didn't knew how to ease the atmosphere.

"Tobi...." She chuckled.

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