Chapter 15~Their Feelings

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Third person POV:

"I enjoy your company too." He admitted.

The young woman's eyes widened and a beautiful smile appeared on her mesmerising face.

The masked man looked at her a moment before looking back at the sky.

"It will be night in few minutes, the sun almost completely disappeared!" He said changing the subject.

"Um!" Confirmed a smiling Rin looking at the beautiful sky.

The sun disappeared while they both looked at it, and the night took place in the horizon.

"It's not as romantic as people say!" Said Rin disappointed.

"What?" He looked at her.

"The sunset, i don't know why peoples find it romantic, it's beautiful, yes, but I don't find it romantic at all!" She explained.

"Boff..." Said the Akatsuki's real leader not really interested by the subject and certainly not ready to argue in such a topic.

"But everybody talk about how romantic it is to watch a sunset!" She said disapproving.

"People say it's romantic when they watch it with their loved one!" He explained boringly.

"Yes but I don't understand why they found the sky romantic."

"You don't know anything about romance, do you?" He replied with a mocking tone.

"I do!" She argued.

"Any love partner?" He mocked.

The young woman blushed embarrassed, she actually never dated anyone, her life was very chaotic after all.

"I have been in love before!" She said for her defence.

"Did you date him?" He asked amused.

"He rejected me just before sunset." She said with a depressing aura referring to Kakashi, since Obito died before she realised her feeling for him.

"And you ask yourself why sunset isn't romantic." He laughed.

"It has nothing to do with my rejection." She replied in the defensive.

"Quit it, you loner!" He laughed at her while she groaned at him.

"What about you, did you ever dated someone?" She asked already expecting the answer, Tobi seemed to be a hot guy, he probably dated many women.

The masked man looked at her then turned his head away.

"Humph, none sense!" He replied.

The woman smirked.

"You never dated anybody either." She mocked.

"I told you, you are saying none sense!" He answered annoyed.

He excepted her to start to argue about it annoyingly, but she just gave him a closed eyes smile as if she was happy.

'What a weird woman.'

"Ah, I completely forgot, actually..." She looked at the masked man embarrassed. "I've got lost in this woods, you wouldn't know the exit by chance." She asked with an awkward smile.

'Decidedly, she really was a smiling person,' thought the masked man.

"Haa? Show you the way out, no, it would be troublesome." He answered in a bored cold voice.

"Why?" Groaned Rin. "You didn't even properly apologise for entering my room last year without my permission, you even dared to carry me to your bed. So now, show me the way."

"I can't believe you are still talking about this, you should be grateful, you were freezing on your bed, and I put you to warmth."

"Grateful? To a man who entered my room while I was asleep, are you crazy or maybe you have no idea what appropriate and inappropriate!" She scolded.

"I knocked and you didn't woke up, so I went in."

"No, you didn't knock, if you had I would have heard it, you even entered very silently!" She replied in the defensive, "And what brought you to my room at night anyway?"

"It's your fault, you were snoring so loudly that nobody in the inn was able to sleep. I came for everyone's benefit." He explained seriously.

The woman blushed becoming as red as a tomato.

"T-th-that's not true." She answered embarrassed.

"Yes it is!" He replied. "I have even let you sleep in my bed after seeing you sleeping in such a condition." He added shrugging his arms.

Rin swallowed her embarrassment.

"Even so, how could you dare to enter my room while I was sleeping and to even carry me to your own room." She said with pink cheeks. "That's unforgivable, you knew when to be appropriate when I held your hand and then you forgot manner daring to come to someone else's room?" She scolded her hands in her hips.

"Annoying!" He replied simply turning on his feet and leaving.

"Hey!" She called him from behind.

He didn't stopped and continued walking, she stood up looking at him sulking, when he was few meters away from her, he sighed, stopped half turning to her and putting his hand on his hip looking at her.

'Probably annoyed under his mask. I am starting to know him' she thought.

She smiled brightly and walked toward him understanding he was gonna show her the way.

'And there she smile again.'

Rin felt really at ease with the masked man, he was mysterious, had a cold side but she really appreciated his company. He had a gentle side too, a very gentle side, he was different from the usual man she befriended but just like Obito, there was something she could feel in him, however its different from Obito's, it was cold and scary.

Yet, she enjoyed his company.

Obito, him, felt very uneasy with the wandering woman, she looked exactly like his first love, and that affected his usual judgement, she was very kind and had a warm side. She doesn't seem to be someone who doesn't know pain though.



And here we are with this chapter, how was it?

Next chapter is gonna happen something important that is gonna affect the whole story.

Next: The Short Road!

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