Chapter 61~ Let it Go

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Obito looked out by the window, feeling Rin's chakra as by instinct, something he does often, she was out again, but right now he couldn't find it in him to care.

He was feeling empty.

He was still thinking of what that freak of Akito told him.


"Forgive me My Lord, but can I speak to you?"

Obito turned towards him, a frown decorating his masked features.

Seto Akito sighed, as if measuring his words carefully, Obito already realised he was a careful man.

"Ayame, no, Rin," Akito started, he realised Obito knew her true name, for when he called her Rin by mistake thinking she was alone in the cave, she didn't seemed upset, she have told him her name.

Then again, he looked at Obito with a glare he couldn't help. "Rin is my fiancé."

Obito's eyes widened at his words, he felt his blood boiling and wanted to hit him, instead he let out an an incredulous frightening chuckle.

Akito didn't flinch, he went on. "I am not dumb, I know what happened between you two yesterday."

Obito raised an eyebrow. "And what an understanding fiancé you make." He said, but it sounded like a threat.

"Rin doesn't love me back, she agreed to be my fiancé only because it was the best for her,"

At his words Obito remembered how Rin looked so guilty when Akito came and found her in his arms. He felt a nair thumping.

"As for yesterday, I don't blame her." Akito said. "It happen that women gets lonely and are in need of affections." But he barely had time to finish his phrase that he was sent flying by the Uchiha's punch.

Obito was breathing unevenly, his body shivering in anger, he didn't had time to think that he had already hit him, he couldn't remember when was the last time he got this furious. He was fuming.

Akito leveled himself in a sitting position, holding his jaw and spitting some blood, Obito hit him viciously.

"So, what I am asking you is to leave her alone, she is somebody else's woman, mine." He said, too calmly, glaring up at the Masked man standing up, his voice carrying spite and poison.

"Leave her? With you?" Obito said, his hands balled into tight fists.

"Rin and I are close old friend, I have known her for years, and for some reason," Akito said carefully. "She lived some difficult time, I was there for her when she found herself alone, we bounded there, I fell for her but I believed she needed time, today I asked her to be mine and she agreed, because she knows I will always support her."

"Rin isn't some kind of things you can call yours, she have her own choices."

"A choice she had made." Akito said tilting his head. "It is all too new to her and you are ruining her life, this woman have a tendency to fall for mysterious dark man, but the one Rin chose to talk to yesterday first, the one Rin talked to today, was me. Not you. You were kind to her, I thank you for it, but while she is trying to settle and have a normal life like any young woman, you are ruining it for her, I know she is nothing for you, but she is my fiancé, so, even if I have to fight you My Lord, I will not allow you to get any closer to her."

Without warning, Akito attacked him, in no time, he was down.

"So? Don't you think you should have just stayed quiet?" Said Obito.

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