Chapter 17~Obito POV

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Obito POV:

In the past:

Rin and I were sitting on a bench, she just finished putting a plaster on my cheek.

"You know Rin, you taking care of me is the same as taking care of the world!" I said looking at her.


"After all you know, one day I am gonna be Hokage, stop all the wars and save the world! And in order to fulfil that, I have to be healthy!" I replied looking at her, Rin listened to me carefully then looked at the sky thoughtful, not giving me an answer.

"do you get what I mean?"

"Un!" She nodded._"even if you are not making many sense.". Added the brunette smiling.

" don't watch over me continuously....". I Started looking away blushing. _"in other words.. Ehh......"

I didn't found the right words and when I turned to Rin I found her face just in front of mine, she decreased the space between us approaching her face from mine.

"Woah!" I screamed getting away. "huh?" She questioned. "but you got too close all of sudden!"

"Weren't you the one who told me to carefully watch over you! Hehehe!" She said chuckling lightly.

I looked at her loosing myself on her smile, Her smile was my light.

"Ah" I confirmed, "just watch over me, I will wear the Uchiha crest and become Hokage, no matter what!" I replied with a bright smile where Rin looked at me with widened eyes before smiling as well.

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