Chapter 51~When The Girl Escaped

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Flashback: 16 years ago.

Almost a years passed since Akito met Rin in Danzo's establishment, few months since he discovered the truth about him being deceived by Danzo.

He wanted to save her and protect her but he wasn't able to, he would just be killed by Danzo immediately this time.

He had no other choice but to keep the surgeries on her, it wasn't his decision after all, however he tried his best to avoid them, but when they do, he secretly anesthetize the girl to prevent her sufferance.

He brought her foods everyday, he also provided her a warm bed to sleep in and a new dress to put on, he would have got her warmer clothes but it would have been too suspicious.

She still hadn't spoken a word yet but she seemed to change a little to the guy's opinion.

He would have shared this with someone but that was useless since he thought that the Fourth Hokage himself knew and didn't mind.

Danzo was lucky to get Rin in Hiruzen's reign and in a time of war otherwise Minato would have noticed right away, Hiruzen trusted Danzo a bit too much.

Anyway, one year passed.


Akito was walking in the village feeling irritated, he had already gave up on the idea of rescuing Rin, he put all the possible alternative in his head and it was just impossible.

He blamed his weakness for being just a watch by as he was drowning under work pressure.

Away in the village another boy was walking wearing a black cape who seemed to be so much bigger than him, he raised his hand up to put it down palming the ground.

'isn't there any chance, any chance for her to run away?' Akito thought clenching his teeth.

"Kuchiyose no jutsu!" said the caped boy with a deep voice, his sharingan on, a moment later Kyuubi appeared behind him, right in the middle of the village.

Akito was beyond shocked as he watched the beast from afar. 'what is this monster doing here? Isn't it the kyuubi.'

People around him started running away, he stood in his feet as well about to follow, when Akito realised that it was the chance he was looking for.

That night was the only time for her to run away, and there was no time to think it over, it was now or never, if he hesitate, she was doomed forever.

Therefore, with such resolution, Akito run there as fast as he could bringing with him all the ninja tools and weapons he possessed, preparing himself for a death fight if needed.

The ANBU were all running everywhere, some needed to stay with Danzo, others somewhere else.

He quickly went to her cell and freed her, she looked at him blankly, as always.

"We're leaving!" He said grabbing the girl before carrying her in bridal style  jumping away at once.

Seto, Akito's uncle, asked to change the Nohara's place before things goes awry where she could be spotted or noticed.

Few moments later, some Anbu reported her disappearance.

Seto cursed. "Akito, I had such high exceptation of you, how dare you betray me..." He said punching the wall.

"What shall we do?"

"Kill them, both of them, it cannot die anyways. I will personally lead the track."

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