Chapter 38~Naruto and Sakura

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"By the way Ayame-san..ehh I mean Rin-san, what were you doing alone in the village borders?" Asked Sakura while eating her rice bowl.

The three decided to go to a near village to have some food as Naruto was hungry, he insisted to go to Ichiraku but that was out of the plan.

Rin just looked at Sakura with a blank expression, she was completely disorientated since she woke up.

She felt sad for no reason, she was crying this morning and was finally able to say her name to someone without hesitation, she was happy to share this with Naruto and Sakura but in the same time she was sad, it's just like she didn't know anything anymore.

"Really, Ichiraku's ramen are so much better than those." Said Naruto to himself sulking in his side.

"Rin-san, hey can you hear me?" Asked Sakura ignoring Naruto while waving her hand right and left in front of the brunette's face.

"Huh? Sorry I was spacing out, what were you saying?" Asked Rin still in the sky.

Sakura looked at her with a frown. "I asked what you were doing sleeping in Konoha borders?" She repeated.

Rin looked at her thoughtful. "I don't remember anything. I was looking for a child in X country and I don't know how I ended up in front of Konoha." Said Rin with shaking eyes.

"Why is there no naruto in my ramen, why is there menma instead, and I wanted a miso soup." Growled Naruto alone with his bowl, which he was eating anyway.

"Eh... And you don't know what happened?" Asked a surprised Sakura, Rin dropped her head down, she had no idea how she ended up there.

"How were you able to escape the village's guard unnoticed?" Rin asked worried, her face pale as a paper.

"We managed since we are Ninja, I am a Chūnin now, but don't worry about that now." Said Sakura swallowing a mouthful of rice. "What's important is that you're not hurt, at least." She added smiling gently.

Rin smiled. "I think I saw you there, in X country, you were with three other Kunoichi, doing quite a big Fuin." Said Rin with a proud smile.

"Oh really? Yes, it was me, what a coincidence." Answered Sakura where Rin smiled.

"You grew so much in such a short period of time, both of you." Rin said with a weak smile.

"So, Did I became more girly? Do I look more like a woman now?" Asked Sakura embarrassed.

"NO!" Said Naruto suddenly, Sakura looked at him angrily. "Why isn't there any eggs?" He added with disappointment.

Sakura swallowed her temper as she glared at the Uzumaki clenching her fist into a punch, making Rin chuckle nervously.

Naruto and Sakura were very funny, and despite being versed in the ninja world, they somehow managed to preserve their purity.

"You look very pretty Sakura, you always have, plus the red really suit you and it's good you added some pink in it, I like your clothes." Said Rin smiling drawing the pinkette's attention to her.

Sakura looked at Rin with almost visible sparkle in her eyes, she has always found Rin so beautiful and womanly, she wanted to be a bit like her, so, receiving a compliment from such a Bijin made her very happy.

The young medic chuckled awkwardly scratching her head, our Haruno was still a bit far from being a girly girl.

"Well, whenever we goes ramen are ramen, Ichiraku's are the best but those aren't bad either." Said Naruto smiling big finishing his bowl.

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