Chapter 72~ She Who Always Escape

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Ei had never felt this bad, she had never —in her whole life— been punched this hard, or had been punched in the first place, she had always been the kind who avoid fight and dangerous situations, so a situation where she was bleeding so much, where pain was queen and sufferance the only ruler, that was new for her.

She felt disoriented, if something was sure, it was that this Seto guy wasn't a gentleman, he had no delicacy at all.

'Is it the end....?' Thought Ei. 'I never told him that i loved him...I wonder if he think of me from time to time....Rin I hope she will be fine......Aka-nii will have to continue his research alone...... Father....I am sorry......I didn't always had what I wanted, but I had a good life....' Thought Ei.

Well, her injuries weren't lethal, but since it was probably the first time she was hit, she thought that the pain she was feeling was deadly.

Little by little, her pain was decreasing, she felt herself feeling better, the pain from her bruises was evaporating.

"....I.....Ei..." She could hear someone whisper.

She opened her eyes to find a worried Rin looking at her, Ei was laying down while Rin was beside her, detached.

"Rin." Said Ei. She didn't need to whisper, she originally had a quiet voice, barely audible, the Nohara placed her index in her lips indicating for her to keep quiet.

Ei nodded, managing to sit down, she eyed Rin's hands, it was wrapped in a bloody bandage, her eyes sunken and her tan pale, the image made the Kibikino feel sick.

Rin stood up giving her hand to Ei, she was gonna stand up, but a tingling pain in her ribs made her sway, supported by her friend, she didn't fell.

"I am sorry, Ei, you will have to endure it, I healed your major injuries so you'll be fine, but for the little scratch, we will wait until we reach a safer place, I can't use chakra here, if they have sensor type ninja, they will discover us." Said Rin seriously.

It was already difficult enough to kill the guard charged to watch them without attracting attention.

Ei nodded and followed her.

Rin grabbed her wrist, creeping down the trees, trying her best to go unnoticed.

" bag." Said Ei hesitantly.

Everyone knew all too well how important Ei's bag was for her, it carried important items of great valour, necessary things, her track to save her father, and for Rin, Obito's letters as well.

Once they will read it, they wouldn't only know for her but for Obito as well.

Rin shook her head in negation, feeling bad for her friend, but there was nothing she could do for it, Ei looked back in the direction of the camp, where was her bag, it was very important, all the documents she had searched all those years to save her father were all there as well.

She put her head down nodding, her throat tight, their lives wasn't worth risking for a bag.

'I am sorry father....'

A work of 12 years would be wasted.

Rin looked sadly at Ei, she couldn't take the risk to look for the bag while Ei was with her, but deep inside she swore that she would definitely take back her bag for Ei.

The woman ran away, all those years Rin had developed a talent in fleeing, after cancelling her chakra signature of course.

Rin was uninformed about the Anbu formations, so, if she wanted to make it alive with Ei, she had to count on her senses to find a way out.

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